3: Don't Leave Me

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From the time Beomgyu set his foot inside the classroom , many curious and surprised glances were directed at him . Maybe it was because of his battered face where red gashes and deep blue bruises littered in an endless trail . Jaesun along with his gang strolled towards him as soon as he sauntered inside and hawked glared at him ,  mischievousness dancing inside his fox like eyes ."

 Ohh See who we've got here it's ..."

Jaesun's voice drifted into thin air down when their class teacher bursted through the door staring at them with an unreadable expression plastered on her otherwise beaming face . She entered inside , her high heels clinking sharply while she walked  . " Students settle down quickly , I need to discuss something important . Let me take your attendance first ." She stared firmly .

Jaesun's bushy eyebrows shot up to his hairline as he flickered his gaze from back and forth between Beomgyu and her . His jaw hardened and he bared his teeth angrily at Beomgyu before stomping away  .The class teacher began calling out names and almost instantly Beomgyu zoned out after that  , the voice of his teacher a light hum in the background as he sank deeper into his own thoughts , they were a mess .

Beomgyu jolted back into reality after the class door was thrashed oped banging hardly against the wall behind causing some paint to scrape off . Students gasped and whispered among  themselves  surprise clear in their voices whereas Beomgyu gaped at the person standing before them , his grey eyes bulged out as the breath hitched in his throat . It was him .

"Kang Taehyun , spare that door I beg you for the hundredth time. And trying being on time for the days you plan to finally pay visit to school . " The teacher pleaded desperately as she stared at Taehyun through her big , puffy eyes .

Wordlessly , Taehyun stomped in , an aura of coldness and calm surrounding that scared as well as intrigued the other students. His shirt's sleeves were rolled up , a few tattoos peeking from behind the cuffs and his tie hung loose across his collar . His amber eyes were hidden beneath his blonde fringes and just like that those glittering orbs met his own ashen ones , Taehyun paused . A look of bewildered flashed across Taehyun's features for a mere second before it vanished away and was replaced with the same stoic expressions he always carried .

Taehyun broke their eye contact and walked past Beomgyu towards the last bench at the corner that overlooked the window , it was that same bench . Beomgyu turned behind and stared at Taehyun who rested his head on the desk and fluttered his lashes close , the sunlight filtered in and fell over his face highlightening the curve of his cheekbones . 

"So as I have informed you all already , I want to talk about something so please pay attention .   It was brought to my knowledge that yesterday somebody from our class got into a brutal fight with Beomgyu . " Beomgyu clenched his fist tightly when all the eyes in the classroom turned to him and he jerked his head down while squinting his eyes shut . No , he can't take this pressure . This all was too much . Why was everyone staring at him like he was the culprit ? 

The class teacher cleared her throat to catch the attention of the students , she threw a concerned glance at the Beomgyu before continuing, " I want you all to be completely honest with me . This is serious , Beomgyu could have been critically injured . So tell me , does anybody know who that student is ? "

A pin drop silence settled around  , everybody stared at one another cluelessly pretending as if they already haven't guessed that who the culprit must be . That silence was like a knife hanging  down upon Beomyu's throat threatening to cut through his tender flesh and kill him . He was scared , so scared . 

Beomgyu gazed helplessly  at all of them , they all avoided his eyes like a plague . He prayed silently that somebody would eventually stood up for him , that somebody would pity his beaten and worn down face . They can't be so heatless can they ? 

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