10. Angel or Devil

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Their class teacher was already inside lecturing the other students but her red lips fell silent , her squeaky voice drifted down to a mere whisper when her eyes landed on the two of them standing near the doorway . " You two ...? Well , come inside I have started teaching yet . " She stuttered out and ushered them in , Beomgyu jerked his head down pointedly avoiding the heavy burden of glares directed bashedly at him as he scurried inside followed by Taehyun who walked with an air of non chalance paying no heed to other students . 

It was then Beomgyu's feet came to a sharp halt as he stared at the desk that didn't belong to him in many ways , it's wooden surface was plastered with freshly painted bronze color aand all the traces of those hideous remarks and insults wiped out from it . It was obviously new . He flickered his gaze over the teacher when she spoke again , his grey eyes were sparkling with burning questions  . 

" A lot has happened when you were absent yesterday Beomgyu . I am just explaining that , please take a seat . " 

Beomgyu pursed his lips as he slowly sank down to his chair and the teacher continued on , her voice raised a pitch when she mumbled , " Somebody from our class reportedly threw a damn desk out the window that was smashed down to pieces and had to be repaired . Who out of you all has got crazy , don't you know the classroom is on the third floor ?  What if somebody would have been down on the ground at that moment . The headmistress is infuriated  as the real culprit is not willing to turn up , so you all will be getting the punishment . Your lunch break has been cancelled for the entire year and you have to submit a 5000 words essay by the end of this week . " 

The students groaned together in unison , their voices laced in disappointment and shock as they all grumpily murmered amongst themselves remarking how unfair it was . Beomgyu was in the act of processing the whole information when the teacher averted her big eyes to him and said , her voice was relatively softer , " Beomgyu ssi don't worry I have informed the headmistress it can't be you because you were not present in the school yesterday . She has exempted you from the punishment . " 

Beomgyu blinked multiple times and shivered when a few of his classmates shot him an agitated glare . The school bell rung then signalling the end of the first period . The classroom was buzzing with noises and chatting again . In the amidst of those voices , Beomgyu glanced back at the blonde and his grey eyes met with the other's amber ones . Everything stilled for a heart eat or two , Beomgyu kept searching Taehyun's eyes for his questions storming inside his own head for a long time . 

This time it was Taehyun who averted his eyes away first , Beomgyu has gotten his answer .


Beomgyu shuffled his belonging back inside his backpack as soon as the last bell chimed and other students quickly rushed out of their seats and staggered out of the door like prisoners being released from their cells . The raven haired slung the bag around his shoulder and stole a glimpse at his new desk while lightly touching it's glossed surface before he turned around to walk away . 

His heart almost skipped a beat , his legs almost giving up in despair when his gaze landed on Jaesun who stood just a feet away , his demeanor calm and his dark feline eyes focused sharply upon him . Beomgyu felt the onset of an upcoming panic attack when his breathing got shortened and heavier till he was practically gasping and his body was scorching hot making sweat break down . Beomgyu stumbled back leaning against the desk to support his weight , as he steadied himself .  

 ' No ...not here . Not in front of him . You can't show them you are vulnerable , you can't let them see that you are afraid.  ' Those words echoed inside Beomgyu's head like a mantra . He forced himself to stand upright and began marching towards the door keeping his eyes locked to the floor . 

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