I'm Sorry

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Ok so I know it's been what-5 months-FIVE MONTHS SHIT IM SORRY PEOPLE. But anywho I have many stupid excuses and here are a few: I was in the middle of moving (and will probably be moving back) Christmas (it's awesome but that was four months ago I know) Writers block (yeah yeah yeah) It's my first year of high school and cyber school (which is incredibly difficult if you don't have anyone helping you, which I did not) and my parents are going through a divorce (again) So I sort of got lazy after the first dose of writers block. But rest assured I have not forgotten about this story. In fact I will be updating in just a few minutes and yes I know its short. I just auditioned for a preforming arts school for next year and if I were to make it in my major would be Literature/Creative Writing so I am trying to make a point of writing every other day again (and eventually everyday) but that does not mean I will be updating every other day again, sorry. I will try to start updating twice a week and see how that works. I might start adding some new fanfics and a few non-HP stories eventually. So I will 'see' you soon!<3

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