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Chapter 11

"I still can't believe you shagged my sister."
Mutters Ron the next morning as him and Harry make their way to the kitchen. Harry turns beat red as he sits down next to James.
"Hey dad. Is it your fifth year?" He asks. Harry turns, if possible, redder at the word 'dad' but nods.
"So that means that your dating Cho Chang?" Harry's eyes widen and he goes even redder. James laughs at his fathers embarrassment.
"Who's Cho Chang?" Asks Molly as she walks into the kitchen with Tonks.
"No one." Harry says quickly as he dives under the table to grab his fork. James and Lily stifle a laugh as Albus rolls his eyes. A few minutes later Ginny, Hermione and Rose come down stairs. Rose and Hermione are in an animated conversation about S. P. E. W. and Ginny is busy finishing the last of her charms home work to notice that she nearly walked straight into the umbrella stand again.
"Damn." She mutters under her breath as she straightens herself out, blushing as she notices every ones attention on her. And blushing even mire as she realized Harry Potter saw that too.
I really need to start looking where I walk. She thinks to herself.
As she sits down Teddy and Victorie walk into the kitchen, both if their faces filled with worry and both of them talking to a black watch. Two voices were coming from the watch. Harry and Ron, both older sounding.
"Alright well, thats about all we have at the moment." Says Ron, gloomily. Teddy and Victorie sigh.
"Alright bye." Says Teddy.
"Bye dad!" Says Lily. "Bye sweetie."
As soon as the watch goes dark all of the cousins looks expectedly at Teddy and Victorie.
"Well?" Asks Fred as he and Scorpius come in the kitchen and sit down. "The time turner that we had used was an old time turner. Actually it was aunt Hermione's. Thats why it was able to go back years. They're not supposed to go back years, only a few hours at most Any way, there haven't been any other working time turners since 1996." He says through a sigh.
"So.... We might be stuck here for a while?" Asks Albus, Victorie nods.

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