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Chapter 17

A second later they jump apart as the spell collapses.

Both dart towards opposite directions, causing the cousins and Sirius to burst out laughing. "You are so immature." Mutters Remus as he walks out of the kitchen, rolling his eyes as he does so. Teddy jumps, not realizing his dad had walked into the room. "Well, I'll be... um... right back." He mutters, before following his dad. Victorie sighs, wiping the single tear that had fallen down her cheek. Eventually she too stands up and makes her way upstairs. James and Fred go back to talking and Fred and George make their way upstairs.

Later that day Albus, James, Lily, Ginny, Harry, Remus and Sirius were in the kitchen talking.

"Albus Severus." Says Sirius for the sixteenth tome in the past five minutes, his face contorted in a mixture of disgust every time.

This of course caused Albus to laugh.

After the 16th time he stopped and looked at Sirius.

"You know," he says, standing up. "My name could be a whole lot worse."

Sirius raises and eyebrow.


Albus smirks. "At least my name isn't Pigwidgen." He says, earning a glare from Ginny.

"I was 12!" She says angrily. James laughs.

"Besides, that was an owl. I would never name a person that. I might name them Piggy. Or Rodger. Thats an interesting name. So is Oak." She blushes as she realizes every one is staring at her before the entire room bursts into laughter.

"Thank bloody merlin dad picked out our names." Mutters James.

Lily nods. "Yup," she says. "Although Rodger and Oak would probably be just as annoying." The two nod.

"Anyway," says Al. "Yes, my name is shitty," Sirius lets out a bark of laughter. Even his own kid agrees. Remus chuckles. What do you expect from the grandson of a maurder?

"But there is a a reason for it. Although I'm not going to tell you because you never know the memory charms might get messed up and you might end up living when your name is cleared and-"

"Wait! What?" A voice cuts through his mini speech.

Albus blanches as her realizes that neither Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Fred or George know what really happen.

The tension in the room was huge.

Every past kids eyes darting between Albus and Sirius.

"What do you mean 'living when your name is cleared'?"


Hey guys!!! I am soooo sorry I haven't update in forever! But this was my first week of highschool so obviously it was hell. Anywho here you go! A nice long chapie:) can we get it 15 votes?

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