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Chapter 14

The group of cousins glare at James as they say good bye to Harry.

"Thanks a lot James!" She hisses angrily.


"Your a parselmouth?" Splutters Sirius.

Lily snaps out of her daze.

"Wh- oh yeah. The whole family is." She states casually.

"Even your mum and dad?" He asks.

She nods.

"Harry!" He yells as the teenage form of his godson comes into the room.

"What?" He asks.

"Since when have you been a parselmouth?!"

Harry's eyes widen a fraction before his face returns to his usual calm mask.

"Since I was about a year old."

He shrugs.

"And Ginny's a parselmouth?"

James nods.

"Ginny's a parselmouth?!" Asks Ron.

James rolls his eyes.

"Welcome to the party." He mutters.

"Ginny!" Shouts Ron.

"What?" She snaps back as she walks into the room.

"Your a parselmouth?!"

Her eyes widen as she mumbles something incoherent. "Uh....chamber....riddle....snakes."

Before backing out of the room.

     "That women always gave me the creeps" says Albus as he points to the portrait of Sirius's mother. Sirius snaps out of daze before mumbling. "Wh- oh yeah. She's pretty annoying." Rose laughs. "I was terrified of that women until I was six, thank fully by then Uncle Harry had figured put how to get her off the wall." "What? How?!" He asks, his face eager. Rose laughs. "Ot took a few reversal spells, a crowbar and about 93 silencing charms." Sirius laughs. "Nice." 


hey guys! i avn't had too much time to update so i'm gonna do something different. if we can get this to 15 votes I will update. but only at 15 sorry:(

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