🦒 Eda's Giraffe 🦒

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Little Eda, ten years old, was walking around in the forest with her sister Lilith like she usually did. 

"Look at this, Lily!" She said, and attempted to climb on to a fallen log leaning onto another tree.  

"Eda, don't do that!" Lilith, who was older than her, called out. "You're gunna get hurt!" 

"No I won't!" Eda said angrily, just a couple of seconds before she slipped and fell onto the ground. 

"Eda!" Lilith said sternly. "I told you you were gunna get hurt!" 

Eda jumped up quickly, wiping off her dirty hands. "I'm not hurt, though! So you were wrong!"

"Yeah, but you could of gotten hurt!" Lilith argued. "And then what would I tell Mother? 'Hey, I let Eda walk across a tree, and now she's dead!'" 

"I would never die because of something like that!" Eda said indignantly. "You're just too worrying!" 

"Whatever. It's getting late, let's go back home." Lilith said, sounding tired. 

"Fine," Eda huffed. "Only because I know you can't handle being out here for any longer, so I'm being a GREAT SISTER and you're not." 

"Sure, Eda," Lilith said, and began to walk back. Eda followed, and they walked in silence for a while, with Eda occasionally kicking something out of anger. When they were almost home, Eda heard a slight noise. Her left ear flicked in the direction of it, and she turned. It sounded like an animal walking. She looked over at Lilith, who was still walking. She looked half-asleep and probably too exhausted to hear the noise. Eda didn't want to bother her, so she decided she would check the noise out herself. After all, how long would it take to find out what animal was making the noise? Not very long, that's how!

    Eda marched dutifully over to the noise, quieting down as the noise got louder. She peered out from behind the tree and stared in shock at what she saw. It was a little giraffe, it's leg caught under a branch of the tree. It looked hungry and scared. Eda, snapping out of her shock, wondered what's she could do to help. After all, she was going to help, because that was just the kind of person she was! Helpful, and kind, and responsible, and BETTER THAN LILITH! She cautiously approached the giraffe, unsure if it was dangerous. Because, after all, they were banished for a reason. If Eda remembered correctly, it was because they were a bunch of freaks. But then again, Eda wasn't the best at school. 

     As Eda approached, the giraffe started to panic, and began to flail it's unstuck limbs around. "Hey, it's okay," Eda said, trying to sound calm and reassuring, something she has never tried to sound like before. "Uh, I'm going to get you out of here, alright, giraffe-y?" She cautiously walked over to the big branch that was trapping the giraffe's leg, and lifted it up with as much strength as possible. She only kept it up for a couple of seconds, but that was enough for the little giraffe to pull it's leg from out under the branch, and hop out of the way. 

     Happily, Eda turned to see the giraffe again. It was very small, not like in the pictures she'd seen of giraffes, so Eda assumed it was a baby. The giraffe stared at her for a moment, and Eda stared back. She then wondered if the giraffe was hungry. If she remembered correctly, they ate leaves, right? She forgot what kind, but hopefully that didn't matter. Eda climbed up the nearest tree, got a handful of leaves, and climbed down. The giraffe jumped back a couple of steps when she did this, obviously confused and afraid. Eda reached her hand out, with the leaves in it, and the giraffe slowly bent it's long neck down after a couple of seconds, and ate the leaves with it's long purple tongue. Purple! Everyone was right when they said giraffes were weird freaks. No wonder they were banished! But Eda made it her goal to help this giraffe. 

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