❓What Just Happened❓

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(Spoilers for Knock Knock Knockin' On Hooty's Door sort of) 

The Blight siblings were in Amity's room. Amity wasn't trying to get her brother and sister out of it, though, because she knew it was hopeless. They weren't going to budge.

"Mittens, you have to talk to her sooner or later," Emira was saying as she casually walked around the room, no doubt trying to find Amity's hiding place for her diary. 

"Yeah, or else she'll think you don't loooveee herrr!" Edric agreed from where he was sitting criss-cross on the floor.

"Be quiet, Edric," Emira said, smacking him on the side of his head as she walked by. 

"OW!" Edric cried out, putting his hand on the back of his head. "Why do you always do that?"

"Why do you always say dumb things?" Emira retorted, opening one of the drawers and looking inside. 

"Emira, stop searching for my diary!" Amity snapped, sitting on the side of her bed. She grabbed she nearest Azura book she saw and hurtled it at Emira's head. Emira dodged just in time, stumbling back.

"Whoa, whoa! Sorry, Mittens! Yikes, so aggressive..." Emira muttered, backing up and leaning against a wall. 

"You're one to talk about aggression," Edric grumbled. 

"But anyways Mittens," Emira went on, ignoring Edric, "You gotta say something to her before she gives up on you!!!" 

"No, no, no," Amity refused. "She's going to say no, I know it!"

"Wow, that was a lot of 'no/know's ," Edric commented.

"Be quiet, you're so stupid," Amity growled, balling her hands into fists. 

"Whoa! Whoa! WHY DO YOU GUYS ALWAYS SOLVE STUFF WITH VIOLENCE?" Edric whimpered, flinching back as he saw this. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Yikes, anger issues much?" He added. 

"Amity, she sat in front of our house in pure shock and happiness for three hours after you kissed her! YOU SERIOUSLY THINK SHE'S GOING TO SAY NO?" Emira exclaimed, shaking her head. "I'm disappointed in you, Mittens."

"WELL-" Amity started, when suddenly something burst through the window. Something so demonic looking and so annoying, Amity couldn't believe her eyes. Also, she didn't have time to process what was happening for long, because it suddenly opened it's mouth and swallowed her whole.

"AMITY!" Ed and Em screamed, but when they got to the window, Hooty was gone.

"WHAT THE HECK?" Emira screamed, putting her hands on her head. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED?"

Edric was already sobbing on the floor. "She's dead," he wailed, "it ate her. We're never going to see Mittens again! And the last thing I said to her was 'anger issues much?'! THAT'S NOT EVEN SOMETHING WORTH SAYING!"

"Don't be over dramatic. It was just a giant bird tube that burst though the window and swallowed out sister whole," Emira said, waving her hand dismissively. "It's no big deal—OH WHO AM I KIDDING WE'RE DOOMED WE'LL NEVER SEE HER AGAIN!" 

After crying on the ground and pacing around panicking for a couple of minutes, Edric and Emira stopped sobbing for a second as Emira remembered something.

"Wait! Wait! I think I know what that was!" Emira said, running over to the broken window. "It was that Hoot owl bird thing at the owl person's house!" 

"What?" Edric sniffled, not getting up from the floor. 

"Yeah! Luz lives there! So maybe Luz sent it to take Amity to her!" Emira suggested.

"So.." Edric sniffed, pausing to figure out what word would describe that, "Romantic?"

"Not really," Emira said, calmed down now that she knew what happened. "She could of come over and put some effort into asking her out."

Edric was wiping his tears. Emira helped him up off the floor. "Don't worry Ed, Mittens is okay probably."

Two and a half hours filled with worrying and impatient arguing later, the twins heard the door open.

"Amity?" They both exclaimed, jumping up from where they'd been playing whatever the witch equivalent to Rock, Paper, Scissors was in effort to distract themselves.

Sure enough it was Amity walking through the door. She looked both excited and confused.

"Mittens! We thought you died!" Edric wailed, flinging himself onto his little sister and began to sob again. 

"Edric thought you died. I was the one who figured out that bird thing was the Hooting thing at the owl women's house," Emira said, rolling her eyes. 

"You totally missed me," Amity said, a smug look on her face.

"She did," Edric said in between his sobs. "She cried with me before she figured it out."

"Yeah whatever I was just worried about what Mother might do it she found out," Emira said.

"Sure, Em," Amity said.

"So, why are you so happy?" Emira asked quickly, wanting to change the subject. Also, she was curious.

Amity's face turned red. "What? I'm not happy! What do you mean, Luz? I never said anything about Luz!"

"OOOOOOO," Emira said, and somehow Edric joined in and cried at the same time.

"No! What! Um!" Amity ran away, and Emira and Edric ran after her. 

They never left her alone about it ever again.

I just wanted to make a short-ish thing about what would happen if when Hooty took Amity over to Luz's basement while twins were with Amity lol

Also I wanted to make something because I hadn't done anything for a while. I'm working on the part 2 of the Hunter AU, but it's taking a bit longer than I want it to because my motivation died halfway through it. But I WILL finish it, even if it's the last thing I do >:)

Anyways, sorry for any mistakes and have an amazing day/night!

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