✨ Hunter AU ✨

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This AU is if Hunter (The Golden Guard) didn't go back to the Emperor, and instead he went to the Owl House and is staying there now. And everyone believes he's dead like Kikimora said. (I've got no clue how to spell that name). Idk. I also don't know if anybody else had done this, but I thought of it and decided to write about it. I got bored and I love Hunter, he is one of my favorites, so, yeah, I got this idea. So, I hope you enjoy I guess.

(This takes place, like, three weeks after he started living with them.)

Luz woke up to somebody poking on her cheek. 

"Wake UP." 

She recognized that voice. Hunter. She groaned and turned around, not getting up.

"Luz! Come on! I have a question." Hunter insisted. 

Sighing and knowing she wasn't going to get any sleep now that Hunter had woken her, she sat up and said, "WHAT, HUNTER?" And turned to face him.

He had a picture in his hand. "Luz. Is this your girlfriend?" He held it up and Luz saw it was Amity. 

Luz blushed and snatched the picture away from him. "No, Amity's not my girlfriend!" 

Hunter pointed at Luz and made a smug face. "By your reaction, I'm assuming, yes, she is. Or at least, you like her." 

"No! I don't! And did you seriously just wake me up to ask if Amity was my girlfriend????" Luz asked angrily.

"Oh. No. I almost forgot—Eda made breakfast. So. Get up and eat it if you want, or wait. But there might not be any left for you if you do." Hunter said. 

"I'm getting up, okay???" Luz said angrily. "Why wouldn't I now that you woke me?"

"I dunno, maybe to stare at the picture of your girlfriend a little more." Hunter smirked, then shouted in alarm and jumped back as Luz threw her pillow at him.

"Get lost!" She yelled. Hunter glared at her then ran downstairs. Luz got dressed then hurried over and ate breakfast. 

"I'm going to go meet up with my friends," Luz told Eda.

"Okay," Eda said. 

"Say hi to your girlfriend for me!" Hunter called from across the room.

"SHE'S NOT MY GIRLFRIEND." Luz shouted, then shut the door and started walking to the place Willow and Gus wanted to meet up.

"Hey, Luz," Willow said, "How's it going?" 

"It's okay," Luz said, "But Hunter is almost as annoying as Hooty."

"That's rough," Gus said. "How about we go down and get some rotten candy?"

"Ooo, okay!" Luz agreed, and they all went down to get some. 

As they were walking beside the river and eating the rotten candy, Luz spotted someone in the distance, chucking rocks into the river. "Hunter?" She called out in surprise.

He jerked his head up and said, "Luz?"

"What are you doing here?" Luz asked as they got nearer. 

"I dunno, just throwing rocks into the river." Hunter answered.

"Why? That's boring." Luz said. 

"Well, last time I checked, I didn't ASK." Hunter said indignantly, throwing a rock at Luz.

"Hey! Okay, okay! Calm down." Luz said. She paused for a second then said, "These are my friends, Willow and Gus." She gestured to them as she said their names. 

"Hi." Hunter said, waving at them. 

"Hi," they both said, waving back. 

Luz sighed and said, "You wanna come with us and do stuff? You look really lonely. It's kinda depressing." 

"Fine. Whatever." Hunter said, standing up. "And I'm NOT lonely, by the way." 

"Sure," Luz said, and he glared at her. 

Hunter, Luz, Willow and Gus walked around doing random stuff for a couple of hours. Luz went to throw something away, and when she came back, she heard Hunter talking to Willow. 

"So, that Amity girl isn't Luz's girlfriend?" Hunter asked.

"Nope," Willow said, "Not as far as I know." 

"Really? Luz is always staring at a picture of her, and she talks about her in her sleep." Hunter responded.

"No I don't!" Luz argued, coming up from behind him and tossing a stick at his back.

"ASSULT!" He shouted, collapsing dramatically onto the ground. 

"It was a tiny stick, Hunter, don't be dramatic." Luz said, walking past him.

"You're dramatic!" He replied, sticking his leg out and tripping her.

She fell onto her face and jumped back up quickly. "Hey!"

"What?" He said casually, on his feet again.

Willow and Gus were laughing in the background. 

"Uh-oh," Willow said suddenly, "I gotta get home, it's getting late."

"Yeah," Gus agreed, "See you guys later." 

"Bye!" Luz called to them as they walked away.

"Welp. I'm going home," Hunter said, turning around and walking away.

"Wait for me!" Luz called, running after him. They walked in silence for a while, until Hunter suddenly stopped and pointed. "Who's that?"

"Who's what?" Luz asked, looking around, and saw who he was pointing at. It was Edric. He was walking around with Emira and Viney. Emira seemed to be having a great time, but Edric looked bored. 

"That's Edric. Amity's brother," Luz explained. "Why?"

But Hunter wasn't listening. He was just staring at Edric. 

"Ooooooo," Luz said, grinning. "Hey, why don't you go introduce yourself?" She nudged him with her elbow. "See if he likes you back."

"Wh—I don't LIKE HIM," Hunter said, snapping out of whatever trance he had been in. "You're crazy!"

"Uh-huh," Luz said. "Hey, look, he's staring at you back!" She pointed to where Edric had spotted Hunter and was staring at him now.

Hunter looked over at him and blushed, quickly turning his head away. Edric did the same. Hunter turned and walked away and said, "Let's go, before Eda thinks I tried to capture you again." 

"Ooooo," Luz said, "Edric and Hunter, Hunter and Edric, OoOoOOO!" 

"Shut up, Luz!" Hunter said, pushing her away.

Luz chanted, "Edric and Hunter, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"LUZZZZ!" He groaned, covering his ears. Luz sang about it the whole way back. 

       When Hunter opened the door, Luz got quiet again, because King ran up to her excitedly like he always did when she was gone for longer than half and hour. "Luz! Luz! I missed you! I didn't think you were ever going to come back! Never leave ever ever again, okay? You took forever!" 

That night Luz went to sleep, scheming an evil plan on how to get Edric and Hunter together. 

Uh, yeah, I'm going to make a part 2, because, Luz needs to do her evil plan to get them together. So, I guess whoever feels like waiting for that can wait for that. 

Thanks for reading this, I hoped you enjoyed, sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and I hope you have an amazing day/night!

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