❤️ Human Date ❤️

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      Today Luz was going to take her girlfriend Amity out on a date in the human realm. Luz and her friends had finally made another portal a couple of weeks ago. Luz's mother had at first been angry at Luz for lying; but finally she had forgiven her. Camilla every once and a while used the portal and talked to Eda, but she felt most comfortable in the human realm. She liked all of Luz's friends though, and her girlfriend. 

       Luz looked heard footsteps and looked up. Speaking of her girlfriend, Amity was finally there, walking towards her with a smile on her face. "Ami!" Luz said cheerfully, "You're hereee!" She ran over and gave Amity a big hug, and then a kiss. "Come on! I have so much to show you!" This would be Amity's first time into the human realm. She had been too busy to do it before, but finally she'd gotten free time. 

"Whoa, whoa, calm down, Luz," Amity laughed, trying to keep up with her. 

"Sorry! I'm just so excited, aren't you?" Luz said, bringing Amity over to the portal door. 

"Yeah, I am. The human realm seems so different from the Boiling Isles." Amity replied. 

"Oh, it is," Luz said, stopping in front of the door. "But I know you're gunna love it." She looked over at the door and said, "You ready for the best day of your life?" 

Amity smiled. "Yep!" And she and Luz entered the human realm.

Amity's eyes widened as she looked around. "Whoa," she said, "it looks so....peaceful." 

"Yep," Luz replied, crouching down and picking a flower, "No bloodthirsty monsters here!" 

Luz stood up and put the flower in Amity's hair. "You look so pretty," she giggled.

Amity blushed. "Thanks, Luz," She said. "So what are we gunna do first?" 

"Do you wanna go to the mall? It's a big shopping place. Really big!" Luz said.

"Okay, sure, lead the way." Amity said. Luz grabbed her hand and they walked to the mall together. 

      Amity looked around in shock. "Whoa, why is it so big?" She asked.

"It has everything you could possibly ever want," Luz said. 

        Together the girls walked around the mall, buying things and laughing together. Luz found an otter plushie and said, "Look! It's an otter!"

"With a dark side?" Amity joked, coming up behind her. They both laughed, and Amity bought the toy. "It reminds me of you," she said, "so I want it." 

       Then Amity and Luz went to get soft pretzels and slushees together. When they'd finished eating the soft pretzels and were walking around looking at things again, Luz spotted a group of teenagers pointing at Amity's ears and making faces and laughing, as if they were making fun of her. Amity noticed it too, and looked a bit uncomfortable. Luz wrapped her arm around her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek. "Don't pay attention to them. They wish they had you cute ears," Luz said. Amity smiled and kissed Luz back. "Thanks," she said.

      After they left the mall, Luz asked if Amity wanted to go to the human version of a library. Amity said it would interesting, so they went off to see it. When they got there, Amity asked what the computers were.

"They're like crystal balls," Luz said, "except they're big black screens that have keyboards most of the time. They're called computers. They work basically the same as a crystal ball though." 

"Oh, cool," Amity said. After they walked around for a little bit and after Luz showed Amity all her favorite books other than Azura, Luz brought Amity to one of the parks. Beside the park was a huge grass field with some flowers, and Luz and Amity walked across the field, talking. 

"The human realm is strange," she said, "but I kind of like it. It's peaceful."

"I knew you'd like it," Luz said, smiling. The sun was starting to set, making a beautiful pink-orange sky. Soft strips clouds slid across the beautiful colors. Amity was staring at the sky, a smile on her face. Luz wrapped her arm around Amity's shoulder, and they walked in a peaceful silence for the rest of the way. 

My autocorrect kept trying to change Amity's name to Smith the entire time for some reason—but anyways, as you can see I'm not very good at writing romantic things and stuff like that, so, sorry. Also sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes, and I hope you have an amazing day/night!!!! 

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