Chapter 12: "You aren't useless."

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"As long as you're happy and he hasn't hurt you," Dom said calmly as he looked at Han and me across the table. "How long has this been going on?"

"A while," I laughed nervously as Han's arm draped across my shoulders. "I just didn't want to hide it from you anymore. Or the others. Nobody knew, so you can't get angry at me...or him."

"I'm not angry. You're almost 24, you can see who you want," Dom said as he leaned back in his chair while sipping his Corona. "Does your real dad know?"

"My mom does," I laughed nervously again as I looked at Han, who met my gaze as I bit the inside of my lip. "She's not very happy about it, but she hasn't told my dad yet. She never liked you anyway, or the life you live."

He laughed as he took another sip, looking over at me. "You haven't let that stop you from hanging with all of us, have you? So what's stopping you from telling your dad?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I reached up, linking fingers with Han's hand that was draped over my shoulder. "We never really were that close to begin with. I don't know. There's some things that are just hard for me to tell him."

He nodded as he watched both of us, making eye contact with me.

"Everyone has those kinds of things that are hard to talk about, but he's still your dad, so when you're ready...tell him."


Dom and the others had left over the next few days after he was sure that me and Han were okay. He made Han promise at least a thousand times that he wasn't going to leave my side ever again, and he promised he wasn't.

Han made the decision to step away from working with both Mr. Nobody and Dom and the family after what took place over the last couple of days. He said seeing Takashi holding me captive and me begging him to get me out of there was something he'd never thought would happen, nor did he want it to happen again. Dom respected his decision, but told me that we'd still be maintaining close contact.

Upon getting discharged from the hospital, the doctor said I may be more tired than usual for the next couple of days due to my concussion, but that I might also be nauseous due to morning sickness being very common in the first trimester. The first few days home were spent taking lots of naps and getting lots of snuggles, and I was not complaining.

"Good morning...or evening," Han chuckled softly as he knelt down on my side of the bed in front of me, scratching my head gently as he kissed my forehead. "We haven't really had the chance to get any food in the house, so I ordered a pizza for dinner."

I blinked my eyes open slowly and nodded, groaning as I rubbed them while stretching my legs out under the covers. "Sorry for sleeping all day again. I feel so useless."

"You aren't useless. You're pregnant, and you also have a concussion. The most important thing to me right now is that you are getting better. We have tons of time to put the house together," He said as he looked over at most of the stuff we'd bought that lay untouched on the floor, still in shopping bags. "You want me to bring it up here and we'll watch reruns of one of those shows you like?"

When I gave a soft smile and a nod, Han leaned in to kiss me gently before pushing up off the floor and walking out of the bedroom. I slowly sat up and got out of bed, making my way to the bathroom.

Frowning at my reflection in the mirror, I tried not to look at the healing gash on my head or the fading bruises on my cheek, but it was hard not to. At least the wounds Deckard had made were covered. I didn't like looking at them, so Han had been cleaning it and recovering it for me every morning.

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