Chapter 19: "Have you thought of any names?"

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"Let's try to get you back to bed. I think that'll be more comfortable," Han said gently as he knelt beside me and stroked my hair. "You think you're done vomiting?"

I closed my eyes as his fingertips gently rubbed my scalp, giving my shoulders a weak shrug as I continued to lay on my knees with my head on the toilet seat.

"Maybe," I winced at the sound of my voice cracking as I touched the part of my chin that was itchy due to breaking out from vomiting so hard. "I need help getting up."

Last night was rough. I didn't get any sleep. Soon after we laid down to go to bed, I felt a sudden heartburn type feeling in my chest and bolted to the bathroom. Han had stayed in here with me as well, so I knew he was equally exhausted. I felt bad that he stayed up all night when he didn't have to.

He knelt down and looped my arms around his neck, cradling me against his chest as he carefully gained his balance so neither of us fell, and slowly stood up. Then he set me down on the bathroom counter so I could at least brush my teeth.

"Oh, my God," I laughed at my reflection in the mirror when I turned my head to spit out my toothpaste in the sink. "My face is so swollen."

"Still beautiful," Han smiled as he handed me a cup of water to rinse out my mouth and waited for me to wash my face. "Feel any better?"

"Yeah," I said quietly as I wiped off my face after I washed it. "Just really tired now."

I dried off my face and he picked me back up and carried me over to my side of the bed. Gently, he leaned down and kissed my forehead, making sure I was comfortable.

"I'll be right back," He said as I nodded. "Won't be long."

While I waited, I turned on old reruns of Full House. We were in the middle of watching Fuller House, the reboot, but I didn't have the energy to keep up with the new series, so I just decided to pick something familiar just for background noise.

I had closed my eyes and started to doze off when I heard our bedroom door open again. Han appeared at my bedside again with a bottle of blue Gatorade and some crackers.

"You probably don't feel like eating right now, but I know you're dehydrated, so I brought that for you," He said as I smiled weakly and mumbled a thank you. "What did you decide on?"

"Full House," I laughed tiredly as I rubbed my eyes while he climbed into bed in the spot behind me. "I don't think I can stay awake long enough to watch Fuller House, and you're not gonna watch it without me."

"Aw, why not?" He pouted as we both laughed. Slowly, I rolled over to face him and shifted as I got comfortable. "I'm kidding, I won't watch it. You might kill me."

I looked up at him and smirked, and he rolled his eyes because he knew I was about to make a joke.

"I can't do that. You've already died once. I'm not sure I could handle it a second time knowing I killed you."

"I deserved that," He laughed as he moved his hand and started rubbing my back when I rested my head on his shoulder. "You scare me more than anyone, though, if that makes you feel any better."

"Kinda," I laughed as I closed my eyes again, rubbing them as they slowly started to grow heavy. "Nice to know I have that effect on you."

We laid there in silence for a few minutes as Han rubbed my back, and I started to drift off to sleep from how tired I was from being up puking most of the night, but Han asked me a question that made me open my eyes.

"Have you thought of any names?" He asked as his other hand had moved to my bump. The baby had recently started moving around a lot more, and it was Han's favorite thing to feel them move. "Now that we know it's going to be a boy, and we're getting closer to your due date."

"Hmm, not really, no," I said honestly as I put my hand on top of his. "I haven't thought about names much, we were too busy putting the baby's room together...but I was thinking about making his middle name Dominic. Is that stupid?"

"No," He said confidently as he kissed the top of my head. "Dom's had such a big impact on your life, and sometimes people name their kids after people who mean a lot to them. If that's what you want to do, then I support it. I think it's a great idea," He said as he absentmindedly rubbed my back.

I smiled as I listened to him talk, and reached up to kiss his chin gently as our gazes met. He smiled at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat, just like the first time he ever smiled at me.

"Thank you for always being my number one supporter," I said as I looked up at him. "I love you."

"And I love you," He hummed as I tilted my head up to kiss him softly. "Never forget that."

"I won't," I promised as I laid my head back down on his shoulder and got comfortable again. "Isaac is cute for a first name. Or Greyson. Maybe Liam. Maybe Elliot or Lucas..." I trailed off as he laughed at how indecisive I was. "What do you think?"

"Lucas, Liam and Elliot are my top three, if that helps you be somewhat decisive," He laughed as I rolled my eyes while he continued to rub my bump slowly. "Elliot Dominic or Lucas Dominic sound good together. But I think I like Lucas more."

I nodded, playing the combination of names over and over again in my head, and Han was right. Lucas and Dominic went good together, and I eventually liked how they sounded when I said them together out loud.

"Then it's settled," I said as he turned his attention away from the tv to look at me again. "His name will be Lucas Dominic Seoul-Oh," I said as he grinned widely. "Which reminds me, we never did get the paperwork filed to change my last name. We need to do that before the baby comes!"

"I'll take you in a few days when you feel better," He promised as he moved his hand from my back to play with my hair. "Maybe we could go drifting again one more time before the baby comes. Does that sound good?"

"Yes!" I exclaimed as he smiled at my reaction. "We haven't been since we decided to get married, and that was almost three months ago! Jesus, I can't believe we're having a baby in eight weeks. I'm huge now."

"No, you aren't, I think you're sexy," He murmured in my ear as he kissed it. "When you feel better, I'll prove it."

My face flushed red as he placed a couple kisses to my neck, stopping himself shortly after so he wouldn't get worked up. I laughed quietly at how frustrated he easily got and ran a hand through his hair. It was slowly growing back to where it was before, at his shoulders, and I told him every day not to cut it again.

"I think it's hot how worked up you get," I said as I kissed him again. "And I also think it's sexy how long your hair is getting. Don't cut it again."

"Yes, ma'am," He breathed as he kissed me again, keeping his hand on my back. "I hope you feel better in the morning. I need you."

"I feel better now," I whispered against his lips with a giggle as he quickly helped me get undressed. Since my bump had gotten bigger, I found it was more comfortable for me to be on top. Han, of course, had no objections there. "Someone's eager."

"Baby girl, you have no idea."

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