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"Nayeon please! Do you really want me to get hurt?! You are my cousin! Isn't blood supposed to be thicker than water?" I told her in panic.

I will surely get the worst punishment Jennie could ever give if Nayeon will not help me.

I begged for her to spare my life. She stares at me for a good 5 seconds before she sighed.

"Fine. Maybe Soojoo seduced you and you didn't know what you were doing but if you do it again, I will tell her." she said and I sighed out in relief.

"it won't happen again. My old feelings came over me and I forgot myself." I said even though it wasn't true. My feelings definitely weren't old, or at least that's what I know...

Right after we arrived at the hotel, Jennie immediately hugged me very tight.
"Did you have fun with Soojoo?" she asked while she tightened her grip around me.

"Well, Soojoo and I barely talked since she was busy with her other guests." I said and she nodded.

"Go to bed now. It's late." she said and pecked my lips before patting my head. I immediately walked inside the bathroom to get ready for bed.

It's kinda weird tho that she believed what I just told her without asking for Nayeon's approval.

Jennie's POV

"So Nayeon, I hope you watched over her very well and will tell me everything you saw and heard" I said and she gulped.

"My eyes and ears were everywhere. I actually have a lot to say and you definitely won't like it." she said.

I gritted my teeth.
"wait until she fell asleep. I don't want her to suspect anything." I replied and she nodded before I closed the door.

My baby would definitely get suspicious, if she knew Nayeon was still here and I swear if Soojoo did something, I would make sure it would be the last thing she did.

It was an eventful day for my girlfriend, so she fell asleep very fast. I instantly walked out of our room to meet Nayeon outside of the hotel. My baby mustn't hear this conversation and I also didn't want anyone else to hear it. Nayeon was already waiting for me on a bench and as soon as I sat down beside her, she sighed.

"You really won't like what I will tell you. Are you sure you can handle this?" she asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I have to know everything." I said and she nodded.

"Well, it's clear that Jisoo doesn't respect your relationship. She clearly showed interest to Soojoo when we arrived, by leaving the party alone with her. I followed them and Jisoo started to tell her, how you got together. Soojoo believed her and said that her father is a lawyer, who can try to get her out of your relationship. Jisoo was grateful and Soojoo confessed her love to your girlfriend." she explained.

My hands started shaking.

Not only did my baby showed Soojoo that she liked her, she also made an escape plan with her. I definitely needed to be harder on her to make her stop doing that.

"Go on" I said coldly while I digged my nails into my skin. Nayeon gulped but continued.

"Then they came back to the party. I confronted them but they downplayed it. Soojoo then announced that she wants to play seven minutes in heaven. Jisoo was the first one to go into the barn and Soojoo rigged the game to be the one to go inside with your girlfriend. Everyone else was quite so I listened closely. I could hear that Soojoo offered Jisoo to visit her later every time she has the chance and that she would leave her window open for her. I had enough of Jisoo's behavior so I opened the door only to witness their make out session. I got so angry so I dragged Jisoo back here." she said.

I felt my head getting heavier in anger. Words couldn't describe how furious I am right now.

Jisoo basically broke all of my trust tonight. She lied to me, cheated on me and tried to make a plan to escape but that will never happen.
Soojoo would be dead before she could even go to her father and my baby would get the hardest punishment ever.

I noticed how heavy my breathing got and how much my body was shaking.

"Jennie, are you alright?" Nayeon asked very concerned and I tried my best to control myself. Nayeon was on my side but I couldn't be sure, if she would still be, if she knew how far I could go.

"I'm fine. Just shocked. Thank you for telling me." I said while I panted heavily.

"Please don't break up with my cousin. Soojoo totally manipulated her..." she said and I started laughing while she looked at me very confused.

"I would never break up with her. I will just have a long talk with her." I said and she sighed in relief.

"If you need help with Jisoo, feel free to ask me" she said and I forced a smile.

"of course. Thank you. you can go home now." I said and she nodded before she left.

Now that she was gone, I could finally take care of Soojoo. She tried to take my girl from me. I warned her. I warned both of them and they refused to listen. Now they had to deal with the consequences.

I drove my way to the bitch's house. What a coincidence that she left the window open... I could definitely hire someone to do the dirty work for me but it would be good to do the job myself as also wanted to see her face while I take her life.

I quickly put my hair to a ponytail and put the hat of my hoodie over my head. No one will ever know that it's me since it was so dark.

After I made sure that I had my tiny knife with me, I quickly made my way to Soojoo's house. The way was basically burnt into my head because ever since I knew that my baby liked her, I made sure to know everything about her and watch her closely.

There it was. The house of Hades, who tried to take my Persephone away from me. I could see the open window to her room and I quickly put my gloves on before I skillfully climbed up to it.
I managed to get inside and when I saw the b*tch laying there, it became impossible for me to hold my anger back. I let out a growl, which caused her to groan. She was facing the wall so she didn't see me.

"Hmm is that you Sooyaa?" she asked half asleep and I slowly walked closer to her. Now I had to do it differently. I gently started to caress her back and she giggled.

"Of course it's you. I almost thought you wouldn't come." I tried my best to control myself and started to plant kisses over her shoulder.

"Hmmm Sooyaa... I like that..." she said with her eyes closed. I had to act fast. I carefully got on top of her and her eyes slightly opened but she could only see the black hoodie.

"I love you so much" she said while I rubbed my hips.

"But she doesn't love you. And she would never." I said. Her eyes instantly opened wide. She looked at me terrified and before she could scream. I skillfully slit her throat. Blood was spreading all over her bed and I quickly got away from her. My knife was tiny, but perfect for a quick kill.

"Kim Jisoo is mine and nobody can ever take her away from me." I said and right after that, she stopped choking and laid still. I felt such a bliss when I finally got rid of her. No one would ever know that it was me and my baby would never dare to betray me again.

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