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As planned, Kana and Kilian joined their newfound friends. They are now trekking to get to the cave.

'Be careful. It's slippery here.' Kilian said pointing at a large stone. Kana answered a small okay.

'Kana!' Hyuk called


'I forgot to ask earlier, do you know the writer SimplyK?' Hyuk asked trailing behind him.

They have mutual thinking to make Kali walk in the middle of them. So if ever he slipped, they can help him.

'Yeah, I know h-.' Kana didn't finish, 'Oh~ shhhhit!'

He slipped and waiting to hit on something with his eyes closed. But all he can hear are the chuckles of the boys...

Slowly he opened his eyes and saw the worried look his best friend has in his eyes. But there is something else... He can't pinpoint what is it...

'You okay?' Kilian asked


'I told you to be careful.' He said again

'Yeah, my bad.' Kana said awkwardly

'Here, hold my hand and just step on the rocks I'm going to step in.' Kilian said guiding him

'Okay.' Kana said

He felt electricity while holding Kilian's hand. He's confused why. They've done it a lot of time but there's no electricity... Or there was?

'Hey, are you sure you're- oh, shit I forgot.' Kilian grimaced

'What is it, bro?' Yunho asked

'He doesn't like closed places and dark places. He'll feel suffocated.' Kilian said with worry...

They are all turned to Kana with worry but the said man is looking at them blankly...

'W-why?' he asked

'Do you have trouble breathing?' Yunho asked

Kana thinks for a moment and nods...


They all cursed and they panicked...

👤: Should we go back?

The guide asked... They are discussing...

'Wait! What's going on? Why are we going back?' Kana asked

'Because I don't want you to die here. Come!' Kilian said turning his back

'Kilian is right, let's go.' Yunho said

'Wait! Why am I gonna die?'

Kana asked making the others confused...

'Because of your claustrophobia and Nyctophobia.' Hyuk answered

Then it dawned on him... He looked around.

'I'm okay, though.' he said

They looked at him skeptically.

'Seriously, I'm fine. There's still light and we have flashlights...and the air is abundant even if we're inside... So, I'm fine. Besides, I'm not alone.' he said making them breathe in relief.

'Are you sure?' Kilian asked cupping his cheek sending a shiver to his body... Yunho noticed it and smiled inwardly... He understands now.

'Mn. I... I was just shocked earlier when I slipped.' Kana said laughing awkwardly

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