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(A.N: I said yesterday that I will upload last night. Sorry, I fell asleep. Migraine is acting up lately...so, here it is.)


It's been a week since that day. Kana is avoiding his best friend. He always gave lame excuses to stop Kilian from picking him up. But the latter had enough. He decided to pick up Kana from work. They need to talk.

Kanatha confided in what happened to his friends. Deep inside, Zoe and Rainee are happy that finally, Kana acknowledged his feelings towards his best friend.

But, because of what happened, Kana is distancing himself from Kilian. He thought that's the best thing to do for his best friend. So that, Kilian can start courting his special someone.

"Kana, let's go." Zoe said peeking through the door.

"Just a moment," Kana answered packing his things.
When they got out of the building, the two ladies halted. Kana is not looking so, he bumps Rainee's back. He's about to apologize but,

"Kana." He stiffened hearing Kilian's voice.

"Why is he here?" He asked himself...

"Girl, let's g-

" Kanatha!"

He gulped. He can't escape now. He looked at his friends who nod at him with encouraging smiles. He sighed...

"I'll see you tomorrow." He bid goodbye to them and went to Kilian who opened the passenger side of the car.

He flinched when Kilian shut the door. He is fidgeting in his seat. He gasped when Kilian leaned to him with his eyes focused on him.

He saw the subtle smirk on the latter's face. Kilian just buckled his seatbelt.

"W-where are-


Kilian cuts his question. "Home. Which home?" Kana thought.

They arrived at Kilian's penthouse. He followed him like a puppy.

"Sit." Kilian told him. He sighed and took a seat. He didn't dare to move because he knows that angry Kilian is deadly.

After some time, Kilian came back and grabbed his hand. Kilian put the plate in front of Kana. "Eat."

They eat silently. After that, Kilian cleaned the table. And they are back in the living room. Kilian chuckled. Kana looked at him with confusion.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that, you look like someone's going to chew you alive." Kilian said making Kana blushed.

"W-why did you take me here?" Kana asked.

Kilian's face turned serious. "You know why." Kana looked down and starts pinching his thighs.

Kilian sighed and took his hands. It made Kana jumped a little.

"Relax. I'm not gonna eat you. At least not yet." The last part made Kana look at him with wide eyes.

"Did you sort out your feelings? Is that's why you're avoiding me?" Kilian asked...

Sighing, Kana apologized. Kilian felt a pang in his heart.

"Why are you sorry? Is it because you realize that you don't like me like what you've told me?" he asked Kana.

Kana shook his head. "I do, like you. But-

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