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Later at night

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Later at night

Kilian picked up Kana.

'Are you sure it's okay that I'm joining?' he asked

'Why not? You are the only person I have here. And you are my best friend. Besides, I'm their boss.' Kana said

'You're right. Buckle up.'

It was a 30-minute drive from his apartment.

'There he is~' Rainee said seeing Kana entering...

'Oho~ with the hot best friend of him.' Zoe teased...

'I hope you don't mind me joining.' Kilian politely said charming everyone...

'Of course, not. Come, sit.' Ms.Pam said

'Are you not going to introduce this hotshot to us?' Jace asked in a teasing way...

'Well, this hotshot is Kilian Grey. My person.' he said confidently...

Zoe and Rainee shared a knowing look. They saw the bittersweet in Kilian's eyes... They both hope that one day, Kana realizes that he loves Kilian more than he thinks...

'And, of course, Best, these are Ali, Carl, Jace, Ms.Pam and you knew these two already.' Kana said... Kilian shook hands with them.

They ordered and having a good time talking... His team didn't let Kilian feel out of place and he's thankful for that.

Even though they are not in a club, they enjoyed the night. They are now outside and Kana is in the washroom.

'Hey, when are you planning to tell him?' Zoe asked Kian

Kilian knew that Zoe and Rainee know his feelings...

'I don't know. I'm afraid our friendship will be affected if he rejects me. I don't want to lose him.' he answered. The others are listening with them.

It confirmed their hunch. They all wanted to help him. Because for them, he is perfect for Kana.

'*sighs* Why is that guy build his walls so high!?' Rainee exclaimed

'His walls need to be taken down." Ali joined

"But how?" Jayce asked

They all start thinking...

"There's no need for that." Ms. Pam said. They looked at her confused... The lady sighed...

"What's the need of breaking, climbing, or whatever... When someone is already inside his walls?" Ms.Pam said looking at Kilian... Realization hit them hard.

"You're right, Ms.Pam." Carl said before turning to Kilian...

"Bro, you just need to make him fall for you." he said but before Kilian can answer...

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