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It was the night before the wedding. They are talking if they should postpone the wedding. They haven't received any good news about the search.

"What should we do?" Dylan asked their parents.

"There are limited guests, we can easily postpone it," Dane said.

"But we need to ask Kana first. It's his call," Krion said and the rest agreed.

Elli and Lana went upstairs to talk to him. The door is slightly ajar. They can see him sitting on the bed caressing the picture frame.

They approach him slowly and sit on each side.

"He will come, mom. I know he will," Kana said out of the blue like he knows what his mom and aunt Lana came for.

The two looked at each other and smiled. They got the answer and they will respect it.

"Of course, son. Marrying you is his dream," Lana said chuckling.

It made Kana smile though he still looking at their picture.

"I'm going to punish him if he comes late," Kana joked.

"And we will join the beating and scolding," Elli said before making her son looks at her.

She sighed contentedly. "My baby boy will start creating his own family. It feels like it was only yesterday when you start crawling," Elli said a little teary.

Kana smiled and hugs his mother. Sometime later, he fell asleep. The two went down and told them about Kana's decision.


When morning came, Dylan came down panicking from Kana's room. He was supposed to wake his brother up.

"Mom! Dad!" he yelled.


"What's wrong?"

His parents both said. He couldn't speak as he was panting.

"Babe, breathe!" Dane exclaimed and it worked. Dylan calmed down.

"Tell us what happened?" Leon asked.

"Baby boy is gone," he said.

His revelation didn't sink in first to their parents.

"Gone? What do you mean gone?" Krion asked his son.

"He's not in his room, dad. I checked," Dylan answered.

"Where could he be?" Elli asked worriedly.

All of them don't have any idea where Kana might be. The wedding will start at 6 in the evening.

Two hours later, they heard the door open and they all hurriedly went to check. They all gasped seeing who it is.


Time flew and it was already almost six. They are already in the venue but Kana is still missing.

"Relax. He'll come," someone said.

"I'm going crazy! Before, he was the one saying that about you. Now, he's the one missing," Lana said pointing at her son.

Yes, it was Kilian who arrived earlier instead of Kana. They were more than relieved to see him despite his minor injuries.

He told them what happened and how he managed to return and it was thanks to the couple who helped him. They lend him their savings to buy a ticket which Kilian promised to return.

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