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Kilian and Kana are on their way to the airport. Kana is not a morning person. He's sleeping during the ride. Kilian woke him up super early.

"Baby, we're here." Kilian said rubbing his boyfriend's cheek.

Kana stirred and opened his eyes. Seeing what's outside, he turned to Kilian.

"Why is your parents' jet, here?" he asked pointing at the said jet.

"Why is your parents' jet, here?" he asked pointing at the said jet

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Kilian chuckled nervously.

"Got a message last night. Mom said that we are all having lunch together." Kilian answered nervously.

"Together? Including my parents?" Kana asked

"Yes. Mom said that our brothers will be there too." Kilian answered...

"Something is fishy. Did you te-

"No! I didn't tell them. We planned to do it together, remember?" Kilian defended. Kana squinted his eyes...

"Then why are you nervous- Wait! You knew this last night and you still woke me up so early in the morning!" Kana exclaimed. Kilian chuckled awkwardly. Kana is huffing.

"How could you! We are not going to be late for boarding but you! Ugh!" Kana gets off the car and walks towards the jet.

Kilian followed suit. The staff greeted them. And took their belongings.

Kilian is busy coaxing his boyfriend during the flight.


They arrived and a car is already waiting for them. This time, it was sent by Kana's parents.

"Where are we heading, Mr.John?" Kana asked their driver.

"Home, sir." Mr. John answered

The lunch will be held at Kana's home. He thanked him. He leaned his head on Kilian's shoulder. It's a normal sight. No one will suspect them.

They arrived and a servant welcomed them.

"They are at the garden, young masters." The servant said.

They went to the garden after thanking the servant. Just like the servant said, their parents are talking there. Kilian's dad saw them first.

"My son!" He stands up and happily went to them.

Kilian readied himself for the welcoming hug but it didn't come. His father hugs Kana making the others chuckled.

"How are you? I miss you." He asked with his twinkling eyes.

Kana giggled. "I'm doing great, uncle. But, look at your son. He's sulking now." Kana said.

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