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(AN: No Walled on Monday)


"Who are you?"

Hearing it, Kilian felt like something stabbed him. Even their parents were shocked and worried.


"Who are you?" Kana repeated. His mom is about to say something but,

"You're not the Kilian, I know,"  Kana said. "My Kilian will not act immaturely like that," he added.

Their parents breathe in relief. Kilian was shit scared. He carefully hugs his boyfriend.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, love." Kilian said.

"It hurts," Kana answered pouting. Kilian pulled away and cupped his face.

"I know. I'm sorry. Tell me where it hurts more. I will kiss away the pain." Kilian said.

Their parents cringed hearing it. Leon even fake gagged. Making his wife shush him.

"My head is aching." Kana whine like a kid.


Kilian pecked lips. Kana looked at him bored.

"Son, he said his head is aching not his lips," Leon said teasing his son.

Kana giggled but whined when his head, aches.

"Don't make any movements that will pressure your head, son," Krion said.

They went to their son and peck his head while Lana and Leon prepared the foods they bought.

They let the two eat while they are talking about how they will deal with that Derek.

"Should we report him?" Leon asked.

"For what? It was an accident. And our son is involved." Lana said.

"I will let Mindy fire him," Elli said.


They all turned to Kana. Kilian puts down his fork.

"Why not, son?" Krion asked.

"Aunt Lana is right. If he gets fired because of this, people will think bad for it. And might think that we are being unfair. Yes, he did hurt me before but it's not intentional. It was out of jealousy." Kana said

They think for a while. Before they agreed. After a moment, they left the hospital leaving Kilian to look after Kana.

Kilian came back to the room after sending off their parents. He sat on the couch and Kana is just observing him. The latter knew why his boyfriend is acting like this.

"Love?" he called to test... Kilian just hummed in response.

Kana opened his arms for his boyfriend. Kilian rushed to him.

"I'm sorry. I really am." Kilian said.

"It's okay. It was an accident. But please, promise me, you'll never stoop down to his level. Don't let his provocation affect you." Kana said. Kilian nodded while his face is buried on his man's neck.

"I promise." He said pulling away.

He cupped Kana's face and leans forward. They kiss sweetly.

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