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Days passed and it was Kilian's departure day. He, Dylan, and Dane are currently at the airport to send Kilian off.

"Take care, brother," Dane said hugging him.

"Look after him, okay?" Kilian said hugging him back.

Dane nodded and let go of him. Then, Dylan came forward to hug him next.

"Be sure to come back on time. You know how my brother is," Dylan whispered.

"Of course, thanks, Dee," Kilian said.

Then, Kilian opened his arms to his soon-to-be wife for a farewell hug. It hurts on Kilian's part to see Kana tearing up.

"Don't cry, love. I will be back before you know it," Kilian said.

"Come back faster, love," Kana said.

"I will," Kilian said kissing Kana's head before cupping his face to kiss his lips.


After sending Kilian off, Kana stayed quiet all through the ride home. He's feeling lonely already.

"Don't worry, baby bro, he'll be back soon," Dylan said ruffling his hair.

Kana smiled at them and thanked them. They left after some time.

Sighing, "I miss you, love," Kana said as he curled up on the bed and fell asleep.

It's already dark when he wakes up.

"Love- Oh, right, he's not here," Kana mumbled reminding himself.

He checks his phone to see if there's any message from his fiance. He smiled seeing there is.

Kilian messaged him that he arrived safely and going to take a rest first. He was about to put down his phone when it vibrated.

"I miss you, love. Eat your dinner on time. I'm going out to meet the client. Don't miss me too much. I love you," Kana read the message.

"I'm missing you badly, love. Be careful and I love you as well," he replied.

He didn't wait for the reply and put his phone down on the coffee table and headed to the kitchen to make his dinner.


Days went by and the two never fails to talk to each other until there are only 2 days left before the wedding.

This time, Kana is anxious. He can't reach Kilian since morning. It became worse when news came that a private airplane crashed. Yes, that plane belongs to Hughes.

As of the moment, Kana is crying hard. Both their families are with him. Leon and Krion are on the phone. Their mothers never leave his side.

Though it is hard, they are trying to stay strong for him.

"Hush, my Kana. Kilian is fine. He will come back," Elli said trying to calm her baby boy.

"Elli is right. I know my son will come back. He promised you, right? And he never breaks his promises," Lana said though she's worried sick for her son.

No matter how hard Kana tries to stop crying, he couldn't, and that causes him to lose consciousness.

Their parents and brothers are downstairs talking.

"He should have just sent someone else to meet Mr. Smith," Lana said.

Mr. Smith is not a client as Kana knows from what Kilian told him. He was a designer. The one that will design their wedding rings.

"Maybe he just wanted to make sure that it will go according to Kana's taste," Krion said.

At that moment, Kana is on the stairs. He stopped hearing what they said and decided to listen.

"I told him that but brother insisted on going by himself. I am worried. What if Kana found out that Kilian lied to him?" Dane said.

"Baby boy will be devastated," Dylan answered his boyfriend.

"Let's just hope that Kilian is safe and to our men to find him soon," Elli said.

"I agree. For now, let's continue the search and look after Kanatha," Leon said.

They all nodded. Elli sighed and turned to her eldest son, "Son, go and wake up Kana. He needs to eat,"

Dylan nodded and stands up.

"Fuck," he cursed loud enough for others to hear.

They turned around and saw Dylan looking at the staircase. Elli and Lana gasp realizing what's going on. The other boys grimaced.

They all stand up when Kana came into their sight.

"Baby boy-"

"You all knew," he said blankly cutting his mom's words.


"You all lied," he cuts his dad's words this time.

"We're sorry. He wanted to surprise you," Dane said making Kana turn to him.

His eyes changed from lifeless to visible anger. Then it changes to pain and soon, Kana starts crying. His mom hurriedly went to him.

"It's my fault. I-If only I didn't-"

He couldn't continue and just crying.

"No, baby. Nothing is your fault. Don't say that," Elli said rubbing his back as she hugs him.

Lana went to them, "Kana, listen to me, we will find Kilian. You hear that? We will find him no matter what," she said cupping his face.

"B-but what if... What if he's-" Kana felt like dying just with the thought of Kilian, gone.

"No, baby. He's alive. He's not dead, you hear me?" Elli said.

"Son, you need to be strong. I'm sure wherever Kilian is right now, he's doing his best to get back to you," Krion said

Kana just keeps on crying and once again he reaches his limit and fell limp.


Somewhere, a couple found an unconscious man. They took him to their home to tend his wounds.

Fortunately, the man didn't have fatal injuries. They have no idea who he is or where he came from because their place is remotely far from the city.

News traveled late there and there's no communication unless you go to the city for a pay phone.

"Hun, look at this," the husband said.

The wife gasped and glanced at the sleeping man before looking back to her husband.

"This man needs to wake up. Someone is waiting for him," the wife said.

The husband nodded. Though they don't have much, they still took the stranger in and do everything that they can to help him.

Double update

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Double update. Walled has 2 chapters left.

Thanks and sorry for the errors!

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