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Kana is now in Ms

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Kana is now in Ms.M's office with the other head of every department.

"Where's Millard?" The chief officer of the publishing asked. Milliard is the head of the managing editorial department, while Kana is the CE of the editorial department. These two departments work together.

"That's what we're going to discuss." Ms. M said.

"Millard resigned." Gasped echoed the room. No one knew about it.

"Why?" Kana asked his aunt. So this is the reason he hasn't heard from him.

"Well, we found out that he's selling the concepts of our magazines to our rival. We still considered him. Instead of firing him, he was asked to resign on his own accord." Ms. M said. They understand that it's better to resign than to get fired.

"But, if he tries to talk ill about LH, he'll get what he deserves." Ms.M added.

"So, what will happen now?" The head of the publisher website maintenance asked.

"We already found a replacement. He will be introduced this Friday at our gala night. You are also going to be introduced there Kana, as one of the new Chief editors of Love." Ms. M said.

Kana nods. At least it's Friday. Their plan to go home will not be affected.

"Any questions?" Ms.M asked

"Who is this new CE?" Martha asked. She's from the creative and promotions department.

"Let's just wait this Friday... All I can say is, he's of the same age as Kana." She answered

"Oh, another young blood." Garrett said. He's in the legal department.

They chuckled at his remark. They were dismissed not that long.


Kana, Zoe, and Rainee are at the mall to have lunch. They are bugging Kana to tell them what happened last night.

"I'll tell you later- oof!" Kana who is texting on his phone while talking bumped into someone.

"K!" Zoe and Rainee yelled at the same time.

Kana hissed as his peaches landed on the floor hard.

"I'm sorry, I was not looking." The other guy said offering his hand to help him.

Zoe and Rainee already saw the other guy and they wanted to warn their friend.

"Thank yo- 😳"

Kana stopped mid-sentence when he saw who he bumped into.

"Hi, are you okay?" The guy asked.

"Yeah. Girls, let's go." Kana said before storming out. The girls followed him fast.

The other guy smiled. "Beautiful as ever."

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