Happy Ever After (California X Male Commander)

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A/N: First lemon will be "California x Male Commander", I will be honest with everyone. I haven't read a California lemon before so this is a first for me. Hoped you guys like it because I tried it to make very vanilla.


Priest: Do you (Y/N) (L/N), take California as your lawfully wedded wife?


Commander (Y/N) (L/N), he's one of many assigned Commanders in Azur Lane. Many shipgirls liked the male due to his kind and caring nature, he's also quite the smart person too, but all of these shipgirls praising the male, there's one ship. He couldn't take his eyes off, USS California, a sweet and caring girl. She was his secretary most of the time, he grew feelings for the girl without even knowing that California grew feelings for her Commander too.

One day, (Y/N) wanted to ask out the girl on a date, but he was afraid to get rejected by her, but he didn't fear of getting rejected because his fellow Commanders encouraged the male to ask California out. Passed by and (Y/N) built up the courage to ask her out, to his surprise. She accepted the date!! (Y/N) was so happy he couldn't sleep because how excited he is.

Few days passed by, and it was finally their date. They headed to the big city to enjoy their date/day off, they visited different places and stores. They enjoyed their day being together then at the end of the day, they were on the beach sitting down on the sand while staring at the beautiful stars and the bright moon in the skies. (Y/N) is confident enough to ask California to be his girlfriend.

(Y/N): Umm... California?

California: *giggle* (Y/N), how many times did I told you to call me "Cali" instead my full name?

(Y/N): Sorry, umm... Can I ask you something?

California: Sure, what is it?

(Y/N): Will be my girlfriend?

California: Yes!

On cue, behind the two were fireworks getting launched to the dark skies before exploded to something beautiful, (Y/N) can't believed it that she, California, accepted to be his girlfriend!! Without anything ruining this moment, the male slowly leaned forward to California then their lips touched with each other. Sealing the moment forever and be remembered forever.

Many days turned to months, (Y/N) and California always went to many dates on their day offs. It was something they got used to until one faithful cold evening, (Y/N) was inside of his office working very hard to the point he's now very stressed.

The door opened to reveal California checking on her boyfriend after hearing from the other Commanders that he haven't left the office since this morning. He was eating perfectly because of the royal maids bringing him food, California went to the office of (Y/N) to check on him. She found him signing papers clearly stressed out.

California: Hey, dear.

(Y/N): Cali?

(Y/N) stopped signing papers to see his girlfriend under the door frame, she entered the room while closing the door behind her. California approached her boyfriend on his desk.

California: I have heard that you haven't left this office of yours.

(Y/N): I'm sorry... HQ gave me this stack of papers this morning... Did I made you worry?

California: A little bit, I know you can handle this, but you should take a break...

(Y/N): I guess you're right...

Then something clicked inside of California's mind, something they have done before on their past days. California's face formed a sweet smile which made the male commander raised a brow.

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