The Knight And The Princess (Sub!KGV X Dom!M.Reader)

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A/N: KGV will be named Anna George. I think KGV isn't really submissive in this oneshot, oh well. I hope you like the lemon. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧


On a far land, the British Empire is the most powerful Empire throughout the lands of [Continent/Name], the Empire rule over other smaller, yet almost powerful like the British Empire, in the capital of the British Empire, lies a young handsome male, who's the strongest knight among knights. (Y/N) Pendragon. He's the King's most trusted and best knight in the king's army. (Y/N) also wields the legendary sword Excalibur, a holy sword that was stuck in a rock, the sword can be only taken from the rock if the wielder is worthy enough to even pull it out.

(Y/N) is also the bodyguard of Princess Anna George, a beautiful blond-haired princess, who's sometimes quite strict and sometimes serious, but she acts like a child sometimes. She's the next heir of the throne when her father sees Anna ready to take the throne of the ruler of the British Empire. Anna and (Y/N) were the same age, the only difference was their birthday, the princess and the knight were at first doesn't like each other, but over time. They know each other more and Anna developed feelings for the handsome knight. She wonders if (Y/N) has the same feelings for her considering that (Y/N) is good at hiding his feelings and focusing on his duties.

Right now. (Y/N) is leaning against the walls near a door inside of a famous Academy inside the British Empire. He held the Excalibur by the handle closely to his hip, as he waited for the Princess' class to be over. Anna still has few things to learn before she truly can become the Queen. (Y/N) was getting lustful stares by other princesses, noblewoman, or the professors of the Academy, meanwhile the men hated (Y/N) because women were hogging him including the Princess, but they can't do anything about it because he's the strongest knight.

The door opened beside (Y/N) to reveal Anna walking out of the classroom with a happy expression on her face. (Y/N) turned his focus to the princess, "How's class?" He asked, "Merlin is kinda making me study about random things" Anna replied. (Y/N) chuckles, as he remembers Merlin telling him about the things she, yes. She keeps dreaming about, and also the one who brought (Y/N) to Excalibur in his teenage years, "She's a powerful mage after all, and she can possibly predict the future" (Y/N) said. Anna giggled in response.

"Come on, let's bring you back to the castle" (Y/N) said. Anna whined cutely, "Don't wanna…" The princess said, as she cutely pouted to the knight in front of her while using the puppy eyes technique, this technique is very irresistible to many people, but (Y/N) can barely resist it. He sighed then patted the princess on the head, getting death glares by men around them, but he ignored them, "Fine. We can go to your favorite bakery to buy your favorite snack" (Y/N) said with a defeated voice, the Princess giggled then immediately grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the exit, "Let's go!"


"Here you go, Princess" The lady baker said, as she gave Anna the paper bag filled with her favorite biscuits, "Thanks so much. Alice!" The princess happily said, as (Y/N) and the lady baker named Alice both chuckled at the Princess' cute childish personality, "So Alice, how's your husband?" (Y/N) asos, catching Alice's attention, "More or less going to get a beating tonight" Alice replied, the knight nodded already knowing what's going to happen to Alice's husband later in the evening, "God please give Justin strength to survive. I don't want a dead drinking buddy" (Y/N) mentally prayed, the Princess thanked Alice the baker then left with (Y/N) beside her.

As they walked through the streets of the Empire. They were greeted by different civilians, because the British Empire holds not only humans but also demi-humans like half cats, half dogs, half dragons, and etc. (Y/N) and Anna talked with each other while walking, until someone bumped into (Y/N), it was a child bumped into the knight. He looked down to the child, "You good kid?" (Y/N) asked, as he helped the child stand up, the child was trembling a little, "I-Im so sorry!" The child shouted, the knight chuckled then patted the child on the head, "It's fine, be careful next time" (Y/N) assured the child, "Hey Austin!" Another child was heard, the knight and princess saw a little girl calling out to her friend named Austin, the child, who bumped into (Y/N) apologized once more before running back to his friend.

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