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Harry was sitting in the bathroom of the flat he lived in with his boyfriend and bandmate Louis Tomlinson. he had been having morning sickness throughout the week and his best mate Niall told him to take a pregnancy test. Niall was out with Louis for lunch to distract him so harry could take the test.

the timer went off saying the test was ready so harry went to look at it.


"I-I'm pregnant," Harry said as his eyes started to water. how was he pregnant. he and Louis always used protection and Louis never said the condom broke so how is this possible. he immediately called Niall not caring he was with Louis


Niall's pov

I was sitting at lunch eating with Louis. I knew Harry was at the flat taking the test and I was just waiting to be told we could go back. my phone started ringing and I couldn't pick it up before Louis saw the contact.

"Niall, why is Haz calling you?" Louis asked as I picked up my phone.

"Uh I don't know, I'm sure he's fine, I'll be right back ok," I said. Louis gave me a weird look as I stood up and walked away.

"Hey, Harold what's up."

"n-Niall I-I took the t-test."

"Oh, um what did it say?" I started to get nervous. if harry is pregnant this will change everything. I don't even know if Louis wants kids like ever.

"I-I'm pregnant Niall."

"Ok, this is what you are going to do. you head over to my flat right now. I'll call Liam and Zayn and tell them to invite Louis over to their place. once I get home, we will discuss this ok. I got to go but be careful getting there and bring all the tests and stuff, so Louis doesn't see it. I'm going to call Liam right now, is it ok if I tell him?"

"Yea it's ok."

"I'll see you in about an hour."

"Ok thank you Ni, see you soon bye."

I hung up and called Liam." hey li I need you to invite Louis over, ok pretend like you want to hang out with him please."

"Why Ni what's going on?" Liam sounded concerned.

"Uh harry took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I'm bringing him to my place to talk to him and take some more tests."

"Oh shit. um ok yea, are you with Louis right now?"

"Yea he's still at our table in the restaurant, I'm in the bathroom cause harry just called me. also don't mention anything to him at all, and don't let him leave till I say so."

"Ok yeah of course I'll call him right now."

"Ok thanks, man. I'll see you soon."

I hung up before actually using the bathroom and walking back to the table.

"Hey sorry I took so long," I said sitting down. Louis had already paid the check and tipped.

"it's ok. is harry good? also, can you drop me at Ziam's place? li asked me to come and hang out."

"Yea I can and Harry's good he just needed to ask me something about tomorrow. um, how are you guys doing?"

"we've been ok. he's been weird lately, but I don't know. I'm not home a lot either."

"Oh, ok well I'm sure everything will be ok" oh my god everything won't be ok.

we finished up our meals and I drove him to Liam's house. I got out to say hi to them and both Liam and Zayn gave me a sad smile back. I knew Zayn probably was next to Liam for the whole conversation.

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