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about 6 months later

all of the boys had already finished their mitam tour. they had traveled the whole world and by the end of it harry had a pretty good sized bump. the fans loved seeing him pregnant and he saw so many signs each night congratulating him and all that.

every night he would have them all scream for the babies and he brought will and darcy out a couple times to sing with them.

of course he fell multiple times on stage and louis always ran to help him. but harry continued to dance around and have the time of his life, even with two babies growing in him.

he had the time of his life but now they were all back at his house in jamaica just waiting for the end of the 9 months to come.

harry woke up at 2 in the morning to a wet spot on his pants. he quickly woke up louis before getting up, being hit by his first contraction.

"lou they still have two months left, they can't come this early" harry cried as louis grabbed the go bag.

"hey it's ok the doctor is really good and he'll make sure they are ok. i'm going to go wake up niall and let him know what's happening and he can bring will and darc later ok. you try to get to the car."

louis ran down to nialls room shaking him awake.

"what the fuck louis." niall said very annoyed.

"harry's going into labor i'm taking him to hospital i need you to get everyone else up and meet us there ok."

niall quickly got up and louis ran back upstairs to find harry in the kitchen.

"you ready haz?" harry nodded before they went to the car and drove to the hospital.

once they got there the doctor immediately took him back into a room to do test and figure out if the babies were ok.

"not much we can tell from this haz but you're already ready for them to come out so let's go to the operating room. louis you are allowed back there and i'll have a nurse help to get set up." the doctor said before they went back in the OR.

five minutes later louis walked through the door and saw harry laying on the table, he had a little current covering his lower half so he couldn't see them operating on him.

once harry saw louis he started crying and smiling. "hey bubs, ready to have two more wonderful babies?"

harry nodded his head before the doctor informed him that they were making the cut. "baby number a is a girl!" the doctor said as the baby was carried over to a different table for people to start working on her. they finally heard a cry come from her and harry couldn't be happier.

"ok baby b is a boy! ok harry we are gonna get you closed up." the doctor spoke as they laid their babygirl on his chest.

"i'm going to love you for forever and ever. lou how's our boy doing?" harry asked not having heard a cry from him yet.

louis looked over and his face dropped seeing them preform cpr on the little baby. "ok we got to get this baby to another operating room immediately!" a nurse yelled and harry started sobbing.

"ok harry you're closed up, your little boy is going to get the best care possible. his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck so when we took your girl out it got pulled on and it went really tight around. i know you probably wanna keep her with you but i gotta take her to go run some tests since they are both so premature. i know that they both will have to stay in the NICU for a couple of months or until they reach 8 pounds. i'll have a nurse get you back to your room and you'll probably sleep for awhile. congratulations harry and louis. you've got two more beautiful babies." the doctor said before he picked up the tiny tiny baby and walked away.

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