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after a couple of minutes vector walked out and saw all of them talking but harry was keeping his distance from louis.

"hello boys, would you like to join me in my office." he said with a warm smile.

harry looked at niall and nodded his head towards the bathroom. "uh sir may me and harry go to the bathroom real quick." niall said wiggling his eyebrows so vector knew harry was struggling.

"yes of course, take all the time you need." vector said smiling sadly.

louis leaned over to liam before saying. "probably going in there to do it or something."

"louis you're an asshole." liam said loud enough for everyone in the hallway to hear. "harry and niall were never fucking. niall was comforting harry and helping him deal with something. harry would never cheat and you know that but you went off with eleanor and messed up any chance you could ever have with him so just shut the fuck up and grow up. it's embarrassing."

everyone was looking at liam with wide eyes. louis was speechless, he just starred at liam but he quickly turned his head as niall and harry walked in. niall's shoulder was a little wet and harry had red rimed eyes.

"is everything ok." zayn asked coming up to harry to hug him. harry just nodded before vector motioned them into the room.

"so you all know why i called you here. i've been thinking about this for awhile but i wanted to wait for a certain thing to happen and i needed to talk to harry before i talked to the rest of you." vector said as his assistant brought them all water.

"why did you need to talk to harry first." louis said leaning back in his seat.

vector motioned for harry to come up to his desk. "are you still not letting him know about the kids?" he whispered in harry's ear.

"i told the kids already about him and they know they will meet him. you can mention them but not that louis is the father. i will tell him when the time is right." harry whispered before walking back to his seat.

"to answer your question louis. everything we do will go by harry first before i ask you guys. also harry is there anything you can't change about how your life is right now?"

"uh yes actually. i will need to be able to still live in jamaica. me and niall spoke to the kids and i promised them i wouldn't take them away from their friends and school."

"that is perfectly fine. we could probably get a place in jamaica so you won't need to move. how are the kids doing by the way?"

"wonderful actually Darcy is always with her friends and Will is doing amazing in football." harry said smiling. he could see louis looking at him in shock.

"yeah he's already got a few uni scouts from here in london and in the states watching him play." niall added. he was smiling his big smile. he loved harry's kids like they were his own. he was so proud of will and darc. Will sometimes wished he was his dad. he talked to niall a lot about things he struggled to talk about to harry. he knew about Will's boyfriend that he's had for a couple of months and knew he was waiting for them to get back to tell harry about them.

he had been at their house a couple of times and his parents have been over for dinner. harry knew they were best friends but only niall knew that they were way more.

"i need to come watch him sometime." vector said. he saw louis' expression but ignored it because he knew how much harry and niall loved talking about them.

"a lot of his games are on my youtube. videoed them for him to look back at later so he could fix his mistakes." harry said. "the scouts watch them too if they can't travel for a game."

the rest of the meeting went smoothly and they figured out everything. they were all going to go to jamaica for 2 weeks to start bonding again as a group, and to test their voices together again.

harry was nervous for louis to be in jamaica with him. he had offered them all a room at his house to stay in and they all said yes. that meant louis with his and harry's kids for a whole two weeks and he was definitely going to find out.

harry planned on staying in london for a week to show the kids around and stuff. so everyone had time to go and pack their stuff.

a week later they all were getting on a jet to go to jamaica. harry was sitting with bear talking to him and getting to know him while niall, zayn, liam, and louis all talked to darcy and William.

Will was fanboying so much because he was sitting in front of the other half of one direction. darcy was just staring at them in awe. not knowing what to think. they both knew that louis was their dad but it didn't feel like it and they knew not to mention it so they pretended like he wasn't.

"zayn's so much hotter in real life." Will whispered in darcy's ear but all the boys could hear it.

"thank you curly, you're pretty handsome yourself." zayn said smiling. he leaned into liam a bit.

Will just looked at him in shock. but harry and bear soon moved to where they were all sitting. he sat between his kids as they both leaned on him and fell asleep. louis took bear back up to the front of the jet and they fell asleep.

"haz?" liam said looking at harry.

"yea li?" harry said turning his gaze to him and zayn. they both had a sad smile on their faces and he knew this was about louis.

"they both look so much like you guys." zayn said as he leaned over and ran a hand through Will's hair.

"i know, Will got my curly locks and louis' gorgeous blue eyes but dracy, she got his straight caramel hair and my green eyes."

"and Will's amazing at football just like louis." zayn added on.

"yea they are my mini louis' pretty much. i missed him so much but seeing them happy and living the best life makes me happy everything happened the way it did."

zayn just smiled at him before snuggling into liam and falling asleep. harry stood up and laid the kids down on a pillow so they were comfy before sitting next to niall.

"do you think everything will be alright?" harry asked putting his head on niall's shoulder.

"we will be alright." niall said before him and h fell asleep, snuggled up together.

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