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louis had walked in the room to talk to harry again because he felt bad for walking away. but he found harry and niall cuddling and he couldn't help but feel jealous.

all these years that he's been gone he has wanted his harry back but he knew he couldn't have him. he tried looking at news and stuff but nothing came up. he looked at niall's and he never mentioned the kids.

he then found harry's youtube. there was so many videos of Will playing. he was better then louis already.

he went downstairs to Will's room and knocked on the door. Will opened the door and was shocked about who was there. louis noticed his swollen red lips. they looked exactly how harry's used to look after they would kiss for awhile.

"hey Will um do you know a place around here where i could go play some football? just need to get my mind off some things." louis asked scratching the back of his neck. this was his son. he didn't understand any of this.

"oh yea definitely." will turned his head and looked at dominic. "hey dom wanna go play some football?"

"sure mind if we tag along Mr. Tomlinson?" dom asked getting up.

"sure it would be nice to play with someone." louis said smiling a little.

"you can come in here real quick let me go find a football and dom will you go ask li or zee if they could wake up dad?" dominic nodded before he walked across the hall.

louis walked into will's room. he had football posters everywhere and one direction ones. louis even found his own football poster from a couple years ago. he had almost a whole wall of trophies and metals. he had another wall full of vinyls of all the boys music and other bands. he even found a harry styles album but he would have known if he put out a solo album. he also had a couple footballs signed by different teams.

will walked in and saw him looking around at his posters. "i see you found my secret obsession."

"hey this is cool i love your room, really like the poster of me though." louis said smiling at him.

"haha yeah, when you played i watched every single one of your games. dad always got so annoyed with it but he liked seeing that you were doing what you loved. i got dragged into the 1d obsession because of darcy but i'm not that mad about it. i've always loved your voice and dad would tell us stories about the band." will said smiling as dominic walked back in the room.

"liam said he's gonna wake them up but i bet we will probably have to be back by 6:30 so your dad doesn't freak out." will and dominic just started laughing so hard and louis was confused.

will looked at louis and started to explain it. "one time me and dom took a trip down to the beach to hang out, we were having dinner at 6 that day and me and him got back like 10 minutes after 6 and dad went off. he was so mad at us and we just kinda sat there not knowing what to do. after he got done yelling he broke down crying cause he thought that he scared us but we were trying not to laugh. now though we are always 30 minutes early." louis was laughing now too.

they took the golf cart to a football field that was down the road from them. it used to just be open land but harry bought it and turned it into a field for them.


"let's get playing, we only have an hour." will said before he threw the ball down and they started to play.


it was now 6:30 when louis, will, and dominic walked into the house. louis and Will went and sat at the table still talking about football. Dominic walked into the kitchen to help harry. he always helped with dinner if he was at their house. him and darcy knew how to cook but Will had no talent in it what so ever.

"hey Mr. Styles." dom said as he walked in next to harry.

"you're never gonna not call me that are you." harry laughed.

"nope but is their anything you need help with?"

"definitely, you wanna make the salad?" harry asked as he was stirring the spaghetti sauce.

dominic started making the salad as he talked to harry. "Mr. Tomlinson and Will seem to be getting along."

"yeah they are." harry said looking over at louis and his son, they were in a deep conversation about who knows what by now.

"Will told me that he is will's dad?"

"yeah, i'm guessing William told you everything."

"yeah he did. but louis seems a lot nicer now."

"what were you guys out doing. li said you guys had went out to go do something so he woke me up."

"me and will took him to the pitch to play a little. he gave us some different things to practice on and stuff but he seemed really proud of will. i see so much of him in will it's crazy." dom said as he finished up the salad.

"yeah he's my mini louis, same with darcy. i was hoping with him coming here that he could be in their lives more but it's their decisions."

"i don't think you need to worry about him wanting to stay with louis and leaving you. he always talks about how good you have been to him and darcy. you also have been wonderful to me as well. i couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for my family as well."

"i love you and your family as much as my own family. i love having you here and you make will so happy which makes me happy but i'm hungry so let's eat." harry said as he walked into the dinning room.

"william jay will you please go tell everyone dinner is ready and have them wash their hands. niall will you please wash your hands and set the table. louis go wash your hands please as well." harry walked back into the kitchen to start setting up the table as niall walked in.

they enjoyed their dinner and talked about will's new football game coming up and old memories from the band.

once everyone went up for showers and to get ready for bed liam and zayn went over to will's room to talk to him and dominic.

"hey guys can we talk to you for a minute." liam said as the walked in and sat on the little couch he had in his room

"so earlier before harry went up in his room i saw you." zayn said looking at dominic. "kiss Will's cheek. what's up with that?"

"um i guess me and Will are dating." dominic said slowly.

"we haven't figured out how to tell our parents so please don't say anything. niall knows and of course darcy but don't say a thing please." will begged.

"don't worry we won't, but if it's a you don't think harry will accept you for who you are. you are completely wrong. Dom i don't know your parents but if they don't accept you they are assholes, and you can come stay with us anytime you need out of the house if they have a problem with it." zayn said.

they all talked about it for awhile longer before going to bed.

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