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harry woke up around five the next morning. he got up and packed a small bag leaving a note that he'd be back soon before he left for a run.

he ran a couple miles to a beach he owned. he ended up swimming and enjoying himself as he felt all of his stress wear off.

once harry had got back he got a sandwich and something to drink before he slowly climbed the stairs humming the chain.

he knew niall had picked darcy up from her friends, so he expected her to be in her room. however she wasn't there. he shrugged it off walking down the hallway to his room

when he got up to his door he saw darcy in louis' room talking to him about school while painting his finger nails.

harry knocked on the door as they both looked up. "what are you two gabbing about?"

"darcy was telling me about some of her friends in school." louis said as he smiled at harry

"yeah and dad was telling me about how his high school experience was." darcy said smiling. dad. she's already calling him dad, wow.

"well i was about to lay down for a nap but i wanted a hug from darcy. i haven't seen you since yesterday, i expected you to at least miss me a little bit." harry teased as he watched darcy get up and give him a hug.

he quickly asked her how her sleepover was and she mentioned that they had went to the spa and everything.

they all knew how to speak spanish as they have some friends that live there so harry took the opportunity to ask her about calling louis dad. he knew louis wouldn't understand spanish.

"¿Entonces ya lo llamas papá? (so you calling him dad already?) "

"Quiero decir que es mi padre, así que no hay necesidad de pasar por ese proceso incómodo. me dijo que estaba bien con eso. (i mean he is my dad so no need to go through that awkward process. he told me he was fine with it)"

harry just nodded as he said goodbye to darcy and louis before walking into his room and changing into a t shirt and fluffy socks, deciding to just sleep in his boxers.


harry woke up to knock on his door. he slowly got up and just opened the door forgetting that he only had boxers and a t-shirt on.

when he opened the door, he found louis standing there. they both blushed as they realized what just happened.

"Uh sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me will and Darcy to explore the town?" louis said looking at his feet

"oh yeah um sure, just let me get changed real quick then we could go." harry said as he shut his door.

he quickly changed into a white t shirt with baggy black and white striped pants and some black vans. he grabbed his keys phone and sunglasses before heading downstairs.

he found everyone sitting on the couch watching the news. "hey h" louis said to him and harry smiled

will and darcy got in the car first before louis and harry piled in. "ok who's turn is it for aux?"

"it's my turn dad." will said before he connected his phone up. he listened to a lot of old music and they were all enjoying the ride.

habit ended up playing and harry immediately tensed up a bit. "hey louis could you sing it for us?" will asked shyly.

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