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that night harry had to put will in a plane to send him home. he didn't know why but harry promised he would know soon enough.

louis had no idea that will was coming home though. he was in the middle of an interview when he heard the front door open, he heard the kids talking but he didn't know about what till will walked up the stairs and into louis' office.

will mouthed to keep on going. as he walked around the room. he was looking at the pictures of harry smiling. he didn't realize louis was smiling at him as well.

once the interview was over he immediately got up and hugged will. "what you doing home so early? where's your dad?"

"um he sent me home last night and wouldn't tell me why." will mumbled as he started tearing up.

"hey, hey is everything okay?" louis asked sitting them down on the couch they had in the room.

"dad just hasn't seemed like himself today. he seemed like really down. when i woke up he was pacing the room, then he got an email and he read it about a thousand times. then he told me he was sending me back home and i would find out why later." will explained. "but he left me with one of his security people at the airport all day till my flight. said he had something he had to go do."

"well i'll talk to him about it okay." louis said before his phone beeped multiple times.

he looked at the notifications, all being from news sources. him and will read them confused.

Harry Styles seen out this morning in LA. It was reported that he was crying and screaming lots of cuss words. No one knows why.

Harry Styles seen leaving the airport crying. He had dropped his son off at 1 even though his flight isn't till 9.

Harry Styles seen walking into Christopher Nolan's office today. He seemed very nervous.

Harry Styles first movie role? He is set to be in the new Christopher Nolan film 'Dunkirk'.

louis and will were at a lost for words. they didn't understand what was happening but louis immediately tried to facetime harry.

they didn't expect harry to answer but he did. there was some rustling in the back ground before harry showed his face. you could tell he had been crying.

"harry what's all this stuff i'm seeing?" louis asked moving the phone so him and will were both in the screen.

"um.." they watched as harry looked around the room, making sure no one was there. "jeff is making me do all this stuff. i'm supposed to come out with two albums and do a tour and this stupid shit. i'm in the airport to fly out to france to start getting ready for the movie i guess. i don't know."

"why didn't you tell jeff no? can't you just come home?" will then asked cuddling into louis' side. louis mouthed to him to record this just in case.

"because i can't, I'm not supposed to tell vector or anything. he said it needs to happen. i just wanna come home." harry started tearing up again.

"baby we will get you home, tell us everything." louis said making sure will was recording. and so harry did. he told them the whole phone call and everything.

once the facetime ended because harry was about to get on his flight, louis immediately called vector, knowing he could fix this.

"hello louis and will, how are you guys doing?" vector said happily.

"fucking horrible." louis said quickly. "harry's manager that works under you is forcing harry to do all this shit."

"what is jeff making him do?" vector questioned. will could see vector grabbing some paper and calling people into his office.

"i have a video of dad telling us. i'm sending you it right now." will said as the video slowly sent.

"okay i will update you guys as soon as possible, for now just relax i got it under control." vector said before he hung up.

harry was on the private jet at the moment. he was about to fall asleep, tired from all the crying he had done before, when someone woke him up.

"Mr. styles, the plane is turning around and heading somewhere else, just thought you would want to know."

"where are we heading?" harry asked shifting in his seat.

"i believe Jamaica sir." the bodyguard said before leaving to sit in his seat. harry smiled for the first time that day. he was going home, and he couldn't be any happier.

as soon as the jet landed harry was rushing to get off. he sat nervously in the back of the uber as it drove to his house. as soon as he got out all four of his kids were running up to him.

shouts of mommy and dad were being yelled. harry picked up blake and logan kissing their cheeks before pulling darcy and will in for a hug as well.

he soon let go of them as they ran into the house but louis stood by the door, smiling at him. harry ran up to him, louis catching him in time to spin him around. he put harry back down before leaning into a small kiss.

"hi lou." harry smiled.

"hi hazza, fancy seeing you here." louis giggled. "i would say lets talk but you have one teenager and two crazy toddlers that missed you. as well as another teenager that needs some explaining."

harry nodded his head. louis' arm wrapped around his waist as they walked inside the house. Dominic was sitting on the couch, will curled into his side, while he ran a hand though will's crazy curls.

Dominic's little sister sat next to logan on the other side of the couch, she was listening to logan babble on about some science book he had read. darcy sat in between the couple and the toddles, blake sitting on her lap and playing with a strand of her hair.

mitch and sarah could be heard in the studio, obviously working on the music for some new songs.

"dad?" darcy said, looking into her fathers tired green eyes. "what's gonna happen now?"

everyone's eyes were on him as he answered. "well i'm going to have to go back to film the movie and do some interviews for it as well. but after that, i'm coming home, and i never plan on leaving." will looked at his dad, a small smile on his face. "well unless one of you decide to run off again."

"we won't have to worry about that." will winked, everyone laughing at their goofiness.

louis kissed harry's temple before taking him up to bed.

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