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louis and harry sat in the waiting room while a bunch of tests were being done on logan. harry was nervously fiddling with his fingers while louis watched him.

"haz... hazza... curly!" louis almost yelled to get his attention.

harry looked up to see the doctor standing before him. "we are ready for you guys to come back, we think we figured it out."

they followed the doctor into the back room where they found their little boy playing with some blocks they had.

"Dada!" logan said when he saw louis walk in the room first. when he saw harry, he sent him a lopsided grin.

"Hey little tommo." harry said picking him up.

"Okay so we ran many tests and a lot of them told us absolutely nothing, but we ran one that shows the brain function. when logan was born the injury to his spinal cord cause part of his brain to not get enough oxygen, which explains him not being able to walk yet and his speech not improving at all. although we noticed in this test we did, that part of the brain has somehow almost regained all of the oxygen it needs."

"So, you're saying his brain just like fixed itself while he was sleeping or something. these headaches were him healing?" harry said confused. he didn't really know what to think.

"Yes, we think the headaches were a cause of the other parts of his brain not getting the amount of oxygen they normally would but we have some meds that can be put in his drink and we want to see him in a couple of months to see how his brain is working. we hope his speech will improve and that he will possibly be able to walk."

louis and harry looked at the doctor with the biggest smiles. the doctor continued to talk about everything they needed to do and they got some medicine to stop the headaches.

when they got home, they found Blake in only her underwear, running loops around the dinner table as will chased her. she had purple and blue marker all over her body, smiling the biggest smile. she held two more different colors of markers and some goldish crackers in one hand while what looked to be a sparkly purple vibrator in her other hand.

when she saw harry and louis, she ran to them. "Mommy, daddy look what I got." she said holding up the vibrator. "It makes my hand feel tingly." she giggled as she placed the markers and goldfish on the ground in front of her. she then took the vibrator and switched it from hand to hand before putting it in her mouth. she giggled till louis yanked it out of her mouth.

Blake started sobbing, upset that, what she thought new toy, was taken. "Where did you find this?" louis asked as he wiped off the spit with his shirt.

"will's room, it was on bed." she whined, reaching for it again.

"you know not to take things from your brothers room." blake looked down at her feet with a frown. "and from what it looks like you were a bad girl. go apologize to will and dominic then go up to mommy and daddy's room. we will be up there in a minute to clean you up."

dominic then walked in, only wearing a pair of grey sweats. they sat lowly at his waist. a visible hickey sucked into his v-line. he had multiple colors marked into his skin, different shapes littered his face. you could tell he just woke up from a nap.

blake ran over to him and hugged his legs. "i sorry dom, sorry sorry sorry." she cried before running up the staris.

"dominic take logan up to his room and clean yourself up please." louis smiled, he looked over and couldn't find harry. next thing he knew he heard loud sobs. they sounded like harry's but he knew they weren't his.

"william look at me." harry started to raise his voice. will looked up, tears continuing to fall from his eyes. "now why did blake find a vibrator in your room?"

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