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as soon as we landed we all piled into 2 cars, harry, niall and his kids being in one are while liam, zayn, bear, and louis were in the other. they had to go and pick up one of will's friends and drop darcy off at her friends house.

when we got to Will's friend dominic's house he jumped out of the car and ran up to dominic, who was waiting outside for him. he jumped into his arms hugging him tightly. they knew they couldn't kiss but they did as soon as they were in dom's room.

dominic's parents soon walked out of the house. harry immediately got out of the car to go talk to them. they were good friends because of the kids.

"who's that?" louis asked liam in the other car.

"mitch and sarah rowland. they are williams friend, dominic's parents. mitch is actually harry's guitarist and sarah is his drummer. he always posts photos with them. they will probably join us for dinner one of these nights." liam explained as they watched harry pick sarah up and spin her around.

"oh." louis mumbled watching how happy harry was

10 minutes later will and dominic walked out with a bag of his stuff for the weekend. "hello Mr. Styles." he said smiling as they walked to the car.

"please dominic call me harry, and i bet the other boys will have you do the same. i expect william told you everything already." harry smiled driving to darcy's friends house. the other car was following them.

once they dropped her off they headed to harry's house. when they got there everyone grabbed their things while harry waited for everyone outside of the door.

"ok everyone, Will i want you to drop you and dom's stuff off at your room then show liam, zayn and bear to the 2nd floor master bed and the room next to it for bear to stay in. niall you can head to the basement and see your guitar, i know how much you missed that thing. then i will show louis to the guest bedroom on my floor for him to stay in. Will i expect you to give liam, zayn and bear a tour of the place then you can hang out with dom, but don't go out on the top level patio because i need to talk to louis. everyone can get some rest and dinner will be ready at 7." harry said before opening the door. niall smiled at him knowing what he was going to say to louis before heading to his floor, aka the basement.

Will, dom, liam, zayn, bear tour

Will led all of them to his room first to drop his and Dom's stuff off before he walked across the hall to a room. "alright so zayn and liam you guys with be staying in this room. that door on the left leads to the room next to it where bear will be staying and the other door on the right leads to a bathroom and closet. it is shared with bear's room but there is another bathroom down this way." Will said leading them to it after they dropped their stuff off.

"wow dad this is amazing." bear said to liam smiling. will led them to the 3rd floor showing his dads room. it took up half the top floor while on the other side darcy and louis' room sat. he then led them all the way to the basement showing them the big open living room where niall was already playing his guitar. they all laughed at him before he showed him niall's room and bathroom. he then lead them to the kitchen they had on niall's level and another bathroom. there was also a little office space for niall.

"now onto the last two, three-ish parts of the house." will said smiling. they all knew that cheeky smile and dominic already knew what was about to happen. he loved this part of the tour when he first came to their house.

will led them to the main level and into the massive kitchen. it had a bar on the side with lots of drinks and different alcoholic and nonalcoholic mixes. "what would you all like to drink?" will asked handing them a menu.

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