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harry stayed at niall's house that night. he didn't want to possibly run into louis packing his stuff at the flat. however he did send niall to go and pack his stuff for the week. he was going to have niall drive him to his mum's house the next day then she would bring him back.

niall finally got over to harry's flat. he saw the moving vans outside of it. he watched as box's after box's were carried out and put into the van.

he watched as louis walked out. eleanor was standing next to him texting on her phone. louis had a smile on his face but as soon as he saw niall's car it was gone.

"what the hell are you doing here?" louis asked. niall ignored him as he walked into the house, louis following him.

"i'm packing a suitcase for harry."

"why where is he going."

"to his mums for a week. then i don't know where from then."

"he's not gonna move in with you. thought y'all were together."

"no louis we aren't together. not even close but you're no longer welcome in his life."

"whatever no need to lie to me." louis said as he rolled his eyes and walked away.

god niall hates him so much. harry had gotten better. stopped crying, or well only at the mention of his name or at night before bed.

niall got everything packed and left. but not before he flipped louis off. when he got back to the house harry was sleeping in niall's bed. niall let him sleep there while he slept on the couch.

he missed happy harry. he hoped after he visits his mum he would be a little bit happier.


the next day they got up early and drove to holmes chapel. niall would have stayed and talked but he had to get back for a golf meeting and he was going to talk to their manager about all of it.

harry had gotten everyone to agree that louis was not to find out he was pregnant or that the babies were alive. he hadn't told his mum that yet but he doubt she told anyone. or at least not anyone important. oh how he was wrong.

when he got to the house he walked in and his mum came running up to him, engulfing him in a hug.

"harry my baby. how are you doing sweets?"

"could be better, i gotta talk to you about something." he said as they started walking to the kitchen

"where's louis?"

"um so about tha-" harry was soon interrupted by another person hugging him. when he pulled back from the hug he was met with louis' mother jay.

"harry babes, i heard about the big news. was told not to talk to louis about it though. i was gonna surprise you both by being here. now where is louis?" she asked once she noticed her son wasn't in the room.

"somewhere between london and LA." harry said sitting down at the table. anne brought him a tea and put one out for her and jay too. "i think you both should sit down for this."

harry told them everything. from starting to get sick to what niall had told him this morning about seeing louis at the house.

"um he blocked me on everything too." harry finished. anne and jay both looked so angry. harry was honestly scared for louis.

"harry i'm so so so sorry for how my son treated you. but why, why would he go that far. also i always did get a weird vibe from that eleanor girl." jay said. she walked over to harry and gave him a hug. "i understand you not wanting louis to know about any of this but can i and my daughters at least be involved?"

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