1.4 epilogue

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fifteen years later

today was the first time in almost ten years that everyone would be back in the tomlinson house. after a long fifteen years of sending kids off to college and other kids starting high school, and new jobs, everyone was able to meet each other.

today was louis and harry's 36th anniversary and everyone agreed to come see them for a huge family dinner.

the first to walk through the door was mitch and sarah. mitch was still playing the guitar but sarah  gave up her love for the drums after they decided to have a third child and they ended up having twins. they both had one in their hands.

next was niall and gemma, he had ended up marrying gemma five years after will and darcy turned sixteen. they had one little boy named Whyatt, but due to complications gemma ended up having to remove her uterus. they were working on adopting a kid.

after them liam, zayn and bear showed up, bear immediately yelling "okay where is my girl at?" during the last year, blake graduated early and moved to london. she lived with the payne-malik family for awhile before getting her own apartment but during that time her and bear fell for each other. sadly she ended up having to move to the states for her job and bear wasn't able to leave london for her. they stayed together though, but they hadn't seen each other in almost six months.

"she is shopping with some of the other kids, they should be back soon." louis replied, leading them to the back yard.

forth to show up was mark, louis' little siblings and their significant others. jay had lost her life a couple of years ago to cancer, and it tore them all apart, but they made it through and they were all happy, constantly keeping jay in their hearts. 

anne showed up a little bit after the tomlinson's. she walked in and hugged louis before going to find harry.

second to last was blake, logan and his girlfriend (Dominic's little sister) Claire, and darcy and her best friend katherine. blake immediately ran past her dad to her boyfriend who was waiting for her on the couch. they met in a heated kiss and louis yelled at them, saying there was still kids around.

next logan walked up and hugged his dad, even though he saw him a couple hours ago. he still lived with his parents while him and claire saved up enough money to build a house near them. louis and harry offered them money but they both said no. logan was working on his fourth college degree while claire was still in high school. she was a very smart, well-behaved girl but she wasn't as smart as logan or blake.

katherine came and gave louis a hug before running up to the bathroom. darcy watched fondly. "any luck on asking her out?" louis smiled.

"nope but i think after this i'm just gonna do it, just rip the Band-Aid off." louis nodded and smiled, hugging his oldest daughter.

finally two curly haired kids ran through the door and jumped into louis' arms. louis spun them around while will and dominic walked through the door. will had a hand placed on his semi big baby bump he had.

will and dominic ended up both getting scholarships to the same college in Brazil. they both went pro for a while but will ended up injuring his knee. luckly he found out that he was pregnant not to long after. dominic stayed pro for a couple more years but once his boys started school he decided to retire.

they got married not too long after they turned 19, wanting it to happen as soon as possible.

"koda and arlo, get off of your grandpa!" will yelled, knowing that was the only way they would listen to him. they both stepped away, standing next to dominic. louis laughed and brought them in for a hug.

"hows my granddaughter doing?" louis asked, placing a hang on will's stomach.

"she's a pain in the arse, won't let me get comfy nor sleep." will complained as they all walked to the back yard. dominic smiled at will, loving how he over exaggerated it.

when they made it outside everyone was already sitting in their assigned spots. louis sat at the end of the table, to his right was a open spot for harry, will, Dominic, mitch, sarah, gemma, niall, liam, zayn, and anne.

across from him was darcy, to her left was katherine, blake, bear, logan, claire, daisy and her boyfriend, pheobe and her boyfriend, lottie and her boyfriend and finally mark.

at a table off to the side sat doris, ernest, whyatt, arlo, koda, and mitch and sarahs baby twins.

everyone sat and talked for awhile till harry called them in to come get there food. after everyone sat down, harry was the last to walk out. he smiled at his beautiful family before Standing up to call for a toast.

"i would get like to thank everyone for being here. when me and lou were talking about what we were gonna do this year for our anniversary, all i could think about was seeing all of you guys again, together. i'm so happy to be here with you all today, so lets make a toast to family and friends, i love all of you." harry finished as everyone took a sip of their drink. 

"oh and if you look at your little card in front of you, it will tell you where you are staying and everything so if you have any questions ask, but for now lets eat.

everyone ate in a comfortable silence, enjoying harry's wonderful cooking. soon enough the sun was starting to set and everyone changed into their swim gear, except for the little ones, they were put to bed and gemma and zayn decided to stay with them. soon everyone was splashing around in the water, having an amazing time. 

"i think we made it babe." louis smiled, kissing harry's cheek as they sat on the beach, watching their kids splash each other.

"i think so too." harry kissed louis, loving the taste of his lips.

as they reminisced over the last 36 years of their lives, they couldn't find a time where they were happier then they are right now.


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