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within the next week harry and louis got closer and closer. they had a bunch of sex, just happy to have each other again.

they all told vector that they wanted to start back on one direction stuff. the week after the boys posted a video diary announcing that they were back.

everything was going good at the house the next week. louis had moved his stuff into harry's room. they talked to will and darcy about all of it. darc was good with it and hugged them both before going to a friends house. will however sat and asked a bunch of questions about it. they all ended up crying for a bit before he kind of excepted it. they knew it would take some time but he was getting better. two weeks after that louis asked harry to be his boyfriend and it was an automatic yes.

louis was out playing football with everyone while niall hung back to hang out with harry and catch up. the two hadn't had much time to talk over the last two months since the boys got there and they enjoyed some chinese take out and a cup of tea.

harry was eating some of his noodles when he all of a sudden felt really nauseous. he sprinted to the bathroom throwing up everything he had just ate.

niall came running in sitting next to him and rubbing his back. "haz you're ok. just let it all out."

by the end of it harry was sobbing. he hated it so much. this went on for two weeks. in the morning and before he went to bed he would throw up.

he thought he just had a bug. he did the next video diary just fine and they started working on new music before niall realized what was happening.

he went out and bought some pregnancy tests before he sent everyone out for a dinner on him. harry not feeling well stayed behind and so did niall to watch over him.

louis wanted to but niall convinced him to go to dinner. having taken care of harry the whole week.

once they were gone niall went to harry's room. he threw the tests at harry and harry looked at him confused.

"you've been sick for the past two weeks. take these just in case ok." harry nodded before going to the bathroom and taking every one of them.

"niall!!" harry almost screamed. you could tell he was crying. niall ran in and found harry with all the sticks laid out. all of them saying pregnant.

"oh my god." was all niall could say before harry collapsed in his arms sobbing. "hey hey it's ok. you can tell louis tonight and i'll call to get you an appointment ok. everything with be perfectly fine."

"what if he leaves me again."

"he wouldn't do that. i see the way he is with darcy and william. he loves them and he loves you. i'm surprised he hasn't got down on one knee yet." niall said.

they sat there for awhile longer before they heard the door open then close. "hazza!!!" they heard louis yell before the door opened and he walked in.

"hazza?" louis asked. he saw the tear tracks going down the side of his face and he freaked out.

niall helped harry stand up moving him into louis' arms. he walked out and smiled at louis knowing what was going to happen.

"p-please don't l-leave me lou." harry choked out.

"why would i ever do that. i love you curly, always have always will."

"i gotta tell you something, i don't want you to freak out please." louis nodded as harry left his arms and grabbed one of the test. "so i've been sick all week as you know. niall came in here early with some pregnancy tests and made me take them because the last time i felt like this i-"

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