Chapter 1: The Stranger

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"Amity? Are you Amity Blight?" She asked seeing the girl with purple hair walking out of Hexside.

"Um yes I am Amity Blight. Who are you?" Amity said looking confused at the stranger who seemed to have been waiting for her. "Do I know you?" Amity seemed puzzled.

"I guess with that question you don't know me, but I know you. Oh Amity, you are so big now, last time I saw you you were only a baby. I like the hair." The stranger said to Amity. Amity was so intrigued by this person that she couldn't help but stare at her. She stood about as tall as Eda did and had shorter dark brown hair just like her dad, actually the more she stared at this person the more she looked like her dad.

"I don't know who you are or how you think you know me, but I'm late getting home I..i have to leave."

"Amity wait." the stranger grabbed Amity's hand and in it was a business card just like the Blight Industries card. "I'm your oldest sister, Octavia Blight. I'm a healer in the next town over. If you want to you can come visit and i will explain everything i promise. just don't talk to mom or dad about me ok? if you want to know more ask Eda or Principal Bump. Just...please trust me." Octavia let go of Amity's hand and walked away.

Amity stood there with a blank expression on her face. Could she really have another sibling? One no one had ever talked about? Would Em and Ed know who she was? Why would Eda know about her? Amity knew one thing for certain, she had to get to the Owl House to talk to Luz and Eda. So to the Owl house she went.

"WHAT?????" No way Amity! Are you sure??" Luz exclaimed when Amity had told her what had just happened at the front steps of Hexside.

"Yes Luz I'm positive. she..she gave me this card with her information and her address and everything. She said that Eda and Bump would know about her and to not talk to my mom or dad or even Em and Ed! Luz I'm so confused!" Amity was near tears just thinking about the conversation with Octavia.

Luz did her best to comfort Amity but what Amity really needed was Eda and of course the one day she is needed she is nowhere to be found. Amity stayed at the Owl House with Luz for what seemed like forever and then finally, barging into the door was Eda the Owl Lady, Luz had never seen Amity jump up as fast as she did when Eda came home.

"Eda. Do you know someone by the name of Octavia? A younger lady but older than me and Luz?" Amity spouted the questions out so fast that she got out of breath and started turning red.

"Whoa slow down kiddo. Octavia? Yeah I know an Octavia, Octavia Bl.." Eda stopped and slapped her hand to her mouth.

"Eda! You know Octavia Blight! My oldest sister! Who is she? Why does no one else know her? What's going on‽" Amity felt like she might explode.

"Amity! calm down. you're going to pass out." Luz grabbed Amity and laid her down on the couch so she could try and catch her breath.

"Amity, kiddo. I promised Octavia years ago to never mention her to you or to anyone, same with Bump, especially when the twins and you started Hexside. I was lucky enough to have still been wanted so i wouldn't have gone around Hexside while you were there. But then Luz came around and became so fond of you and you kept coming to the House and.. It has been so hard to not tell you but I promised and I always keep my promises." Eda was near tears, but Amity and Luz were just blankly staring.

Could it be true that Eda and Octavia knew each other and something so terrible happened that her identity is only known by 4 people in the entirety of the Boiling Isles. Amity was so conflicted, to go and see her or to not see her, does she confront her parents. Life was already hard enough trying to tell her parents about anything, the purple hair and her love for Luz was already causing a wedge between Amity, Odalia and Alador Blight.

"Eda... will... will you tell me about her? What happened to her? Why is she not part of my family?"

"Well Amity. Most things Octavia should tell you but... sit down, grab some tea and I will tell you how I know your sister." Amity, Luz and Eda sat around the table in the center of the Owl House, tea was served, and then Eda began her story about the elusive Octavia Blight. 

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