Chapter 8: Emira and Edric

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"Ok, breathe Amity. You got this, just walk in, get Ed, go up to Em's room and tell them what's going on and the plan. You can do this."

Amity was standing at the closed doors of her home, after knowing everything that had happened so many years earlier with her sister, she did not want to go in but had to. She pushed the doors open and was met to an empty entry way.

"Mom? Dad?" she shouted when the door closed behind her.

"Not here Mittens." It was Edric, he shouted from the living room laying upside down on the couch with Em sitting on the floor.

"Oh perfect, just the people i wanted to talk to. I have something you two need to know."

"Well spill it Mittens, don't keep us in suspense!" Emira seemed so excited to know what was going on, she probably thought it had something to do with Luz and her but, Em was definitely not prepared for the story that was about to be told.

"Wait... what? Really? Are you positive? Amity..."

"I know it seems impossible and not true but i promise on my life it is!" Amity was shaking and had to sit down or she would have fallen right on the floor.

"I believe you Amity, it's just... i know why mom and dad would keep her from us but they shouldn't have. She is a Blight so she should be known to us because we are Blights!" Em was practically shouting at this point. It made Amity and Ed nervous that she was shouting, they had never heard her raise her voice like she did.

"We are going to see her tomorrow right? We can try and have her come back and at least talk to mom and dad about letting them accept her. Right?" Ed seemed so worried, he was chewing at his inner cheek (he always did that when he was anxious in anyway)

"Of course! She is so excited to see you guys! She was crying when she thought that she would never see you guys. We just have to tell mom and dad that all three of us are staying at the Owl House with Luz and Eda for the day to have Eda help us with some final spells and we are going to be late. We just really need dad on our side and mom will be ok!" Amity was so excited that they were going to actually go and see Octavia.

The three siblings went to bed, but none of them fully slept that night. Eventually Amity went to Emira's room and just sat on her bed in silence with her sister, shortly after that Edric came in and the three siblings just enjoyed each other's company until they eventually went to sleep. When the three woke up they got ready to go to the Owl House. Surprisingly, Odalia and Alador agreed to what the Blight siblings were doing that day, mostly because they were working on a new invention so they wouldn't have noticed whether they told them or not. Then off they went to the Owl House to get Luz and Eda, then off to Octavia's.

When the group arrived to the Blight-Whitlock household. The door was open, Amity went first and knocked on the open door.

"Octavia? Autumn? It's Amity. Are you guys home?" Amity cautiously leaned her head in.

"Amity!! You came back!" Autumn bounded out of the kitchen and gave the girl a huge hug and lifted her up and spun her around.

"O and I couldn't sleep last night! We were so excited to see you again. Oh Luz and Eda are here! And new people! Hello!" Autumn was speaking incredibly fast that the group could barely keep up with what she was saying.

"Hi Autumn. This is Emira and Edric Blight. My older siblings. Is Octavia home?" Amity introduced the twins to Autumn and Autumn went over and hugged both of the twins.

"She had to go to the clinic for a moment to file some paperwork, she will be home in a few minutes please everyone come in. I have some drinks and some snacks sitting on the table please have whatever you want." Autumn ushered the five people into her house.

Em and Ed were the most reluctant to go inside the home of the sister they had never met, but they walked in and stared at the house in awe. They couldn't believe their eyes, their oldest sister lived in a house so full of light and happiness, it was the exact opposite of Blight Manor, with not an abomination in sight! Luz and Amity went and sat on the couch they sat on the previous day and Em and Ed found chairs close to them. The only sound that could be heard was Autumn humming in the kitchen while grabbing beverages for the children.

"It has been so long since we have had guests in the house, let alone two days in a row!" Autumn was as happy as a clam that her house was now filled with more joyful energy, then Octavia was home and the excitement in not only Autumn's face but also Amity's was hard to hide.

"Octavia!" Amity hopped off the couch and into the arms of her oldest sister. "Octavia! I brought Em and Ed today!" Amity motioned to the twins who were now standing up looking at Octavia.

"Oh. Wow. You guys are here, and so big! You guys are so grown!" Octavia walked over to the twins and she couldn't take her eyes off of them. It had been so long since she had seen Emira and Edric. Edric looked just like Alador and Emira looked more like Odalia but Octavia didn't care, all of her siblings were in her house for the first time ever. Tears started to form in her eyes and she fell to her knees crying.

"Octavia! Are you okay?" Amity was the first one to the ground to grab on to Octavia.

"Oh Amity! I am perfectly fine! I am just so happy right now. I haven't been this happy since i saw Autumn coming down the aisle to marry me!" Octavia was sobbing, but in an instant every person in the house was around Octavia holding her and each other.

There wasn't a dry eye in sight.

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