Chapter 5: A Shocking Turn of Events

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"Amity! Luz! How long?" Eda erupted after Luz had gone away. Amity's face turned into a tomato the instant Luz kissed her. That was the first time that Luz had shown her affection like that in front of people other than Gus and Willow. Amity was happy that it happened but not very happy that it was in front of Octavia. She didn't know how she would react to it and was so nervous that yet another family member would hate her just because she loved Luz, and maybe her parents didn't like her dating a human or maybe it was because said human was also a girl but Odalia and Alador Blight were not the most open and accepting people in the Boiling Isles. Especially since the first time Odalia met Luz she tried to kill her.

Amity finally spoke up and answered Edas question but looking at Octavia to see her reaction.

"It's been a couple months. I kissed her for the first time when she got that echo mouse but I have liked her, maybe even loved her, since the first library incident. A lot of things have happened in that library and even now I love her no matter what anyone says."

Octavia looked at her little sister as if AMity had daggers in her eyes and they were slowly going into Octavias soul. Octavia had never been very open about her personal life and now infront of her little sister and her mentor she finally said the words she had been wanting to say for years.

"Amity, I completely understand how you feel. You have a safe space here I promise. Here you don't have to be scared or worried, you can be yourself and yeah it can be hard to love yourself especially with parents like ours but my home is always open for you and Luz." At the moment Luz and Autumn emerged from the kitchen holding various food items, most Luz probably couldn't eat, but nonetheless they brought the food to the table and then resumed the position of their seats they had been sitting in all day, except for Autumn. Autumn found a seat on Octavias lap,

Everyone's jaw dropped, even Edas. It was a strange sight to see mostly because neither of the two girls who had just started exploring and talking about how they feel about each other had seen people like them.

"I guess I did leave something out in the introductions, this is Autumn Whitlock, my wife." Octavia told to the group and then gently kissed the hand of her lover and smiled at her like they were the only ones in the room.

"Amity... they're like us!" Luz whispered excitedly while grasping for her girlfriend's hand. They looked at eachother like it was the first time they had seen each other in a clearer light.

Then Amity moved her hand, stood up and walked out of the room without saying another word. The happiness that was in the room dropped and Luz's face went from being on top of the world to the deeper ditch. They all watched Amity walk out but no one dared follow. Tears started selling up around Luz's eyes and Autumn and Eda jumped up to sit next to her and comfort her the best they could.

"Amity has only ever really made me cry once. She said me being around made her do stupid things and she wish it didn't." Luz said between sniffles "but I also do stupid things around her too and it's made me love and care for her so much more. i want her forever i want to do stupid things with her for the rest of my life, but we are so young and im always so nervous to say or do anything around her.'' That's when Luz started sobbing, crying harder than Eda had ever seen her cry and for the first time in the months Eda didn't know how to comfort the kid, oh titan she's still just a kid, that she had grown so fond of.

Octavia stood up, walked over to Autumn, Luz and Eda, she squeezed Luz's shoulder, kissed autumn's head and then walked out. Although she was semi-new to being the "big sister" to Amity she was going to try her best. She walked around her quiet little house remembering the first time she had come here with the love of her life. It had been about 6 or 7 years since the two women had come here to settle down for life. Walking around her house she kept thinking about how different her life would be if she stayed home, stayed at Blight Manor, stayed with the twins and Amity. How different would she be? Would she have ever gotten with Autumn? Would she even live here? Octavia knew one thing for certain, if she stayed, she would have been there to protect Amity. She turned the corner and there she sat, Amity, her little sister. Octavia knew she had always had green hair because of Odalia but the purple was really great, the more she looked at Amity the more she saw her younger self and how much she looked like their dad. Octavia sat down next to Amity and noticed that she had been crying.

"Amity. I'm so sorry. If I knew that this day would go like this I wouldn't have gone to Hexside to see you. Im such an idiot." Octavia was starting to tear up. Suddenly a hand touched her arm and she looked up with tears in her eyes to see the face of Amity looking at her. Her golden eyes were red and irritated either from the pollen or her tears, but there the two sisters sat just looking at each other holding hands for what seemed like an eternity but secretly they both wished it wouldn't end.

"Octavia." Amity finally broke the silence. "I don't know you, but I want to know you. I want you in my life, you and Autumn. Your lives just seem so happy and carefree and I want that, I want to be happy with someone."

"Who do you want to be happy with? Luz?"

"Not just Luz. Well mostly with Luz, but I want to be happy and carefree. I'm so tired of being stressed out about mom and dad and my future. They want me to be a coven head! Not only any coven but the Emperor's Coven! Can you imagine? Me! In the Emperor's Coven. Belos wants the portal to the human world and probably destroy the human world! If he does then Luz is gone! I don't want to lose Luz! I...I love Luz! I love her." Amity was standing and a single tear rolled down her cheek. Octavia stood up next to her and put her arm around Amity.

"You love her. You are allowed to love." Octavia said sweetly and led Amity back to the bench they were sitting on.

"How did you know you loved Autumn?" The question was so simple and pure but was one so hard for Octavia to answer. She sighed and then began to tell the story of Autumn Whitlock and Octavia Blight. 

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