Chapter 2: Eda's Story

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"It was about 10 years ago, just before I found King in those ruins, I heard a desperate knocking on the door and it was strange that Hooty didn't say anything because he's usually very good at alerting when people come. Well so i opened the door and there she was, Octavia Blight. I knew it was her because i knew Alador and Odalia had had a child, the three of us had been friends when we went to Hexside, but that's a different story." Eda took a sip of her drink and then went back to her story.

"So Octavia was at my door and I knew that she had to be in trouble to come to me, at this point I was still very very wanted and was still trying to stay hidden and away from the Emperor's Coven. She looked like she had just finished fighting a horrible beast and all she could say was 'help'. i brought her inside so fast and sat her down and got her some tea and just let her rest, it looked like she hadn't slept in weeks and she probably hadn't."

"The first night I let her rest and fed her and kept Hooty away from her. The next morning she actually wanted to talk, so I let her talk, and honestly I am glad she trusted me but I was not ready for what she was going to tell me."


"Oh Eda, I didn't know who else to go to. my parents, they went crazy and kicked me out because i refused to join a coven. I told them I wanted to be like you and just keep using more than one power. i don't want to lose my potion ability but they were going to force me' Eda! I couldn't do it. They are so focused on Emira and Edric and Amity and they could care less about me anymore. I don't want to be a Blight. I don't want to be in the abomination coven like my dad or an oracle like mom. I want to be a healer and do potions and help people!" Octavia cried like Eda had never seen her cry before. Eda had known Octavia as a baby and even as an infant Octavia hadn't cried that much.

"Why did you come to me, O?"

"I knew this would be the last place my parents would look. I want you to teach me more magic, wild magic. I want to be covenless like you."

"O, being covenless is not a good idea, especially as a Blight. Do you know what would happen to you if anyone found you here? you need to go back home, The twins and the baby need you, they need you to teach them how to be amazing and powerful like you."

"Eda. I am not going back. I never will. I refuse!" octavia banged her fists on the table so hard Eda had thought that she broke it at first.

Eda took a deep breath and began to gather her words.

"Octavia. You can stay here at the Owl House for as long as you need. I will protect you, but I will not teach you any more magic. You are one of the strongest young witches I have met and you are a powerful healer. stick with that and you will go so far."

Eda knew that this is not what she had wanted to hear but Octavia was ok with it. She had a place to stay, food in her stomach and a friend, an actual friend. Oh and Hooty but he doesn't really count.

*Back to present day*

"... and she stayed for about two years before she told me she figured out what she wanted to do. She actually helped me a lot with the curse. The day she left the house felt so insanely lonely. I had no one to look after, then a couple months later I found King. and that's really the end of what I know." Eda concluded her story and looked up at the two girls sitting on her couch. Luz was shocked and Amity well Amity was as still as stone.

"Amity? You alright kiddo?" Eda asked.

Luz looked over at Amity. She had only ever seen her really look like this once and it's when she lost her job at the library. Amity, the witch that helped Luz face her fear. Amity, the witch that helped her learn the ice glyph. Amity, not just the witch but the girl that she adored. Now Amity was the girl that found out something about her family she never knew and everyone around her kept from her, and Luz knew she needed to help.


"Not now Luz." a phrase Luz had heard too many times.

"Yes now Luz!" Luz shouted, Eda and Amity both looked at her shocked they had never really heard her raise her voice before. "We have her address, we are going to see her. There is obviously a reason why she came to you and not your parents or Em or Ed or even Eda or Bump. She wants YOU Amity. So let's get up and go and find her, so she can tell you the rest of the story."

"Okay Luz." Amity said softly

"And another thing... wait what?" Luz had stood up and was ready to argue her point but apparently Amity had already made the decision.

"I said okay Luz. Let's go. Let's go see her. I want to know the whole truth." Amity stood up and held her hand out to Luz. "You coming?" 

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