Chapter 10: Its A Start

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***Hello! I realize that its been a super long time since I updated but welcome to the last chapter of The Other Blight. I hope you enjoy!***

"Whitlock?" Odalia was shocked by everything that just happened. Her oldest daughter was a coven head but no longer shared her last name.

"You have always made things difficult Octavia. Why couldn't you just stay a Blight? Blights are better!" Odalia approached Octavia but she was quickly blocked by her youngest Amity.

"Blights are not better. Blights are horrible and rude and feared and hated!" Amity yelled at her mother and shocked everyone in the manor, even Alador was at a loss of words.

"I never wanted to be a Blight. I never asked to be born!" Amity was crying, not just crying but sobbing. Her voice was breaking but she stayed strong, she might have been crying but she had never been braver. Luz and Eda slowly made it to her side, Luz put her arm around Amity's shoulder and Amity sank into her side. There was silence, silence that even the Titan probably couldn't bear to be around and then Eda spoke.

"Alador, Odalia, you two have the most amazing kids in the entirety of the Isles and I hope one day you two can put your pride aside and realize that these four are better than you two combined. I have witnessed first hand these kids doing magic and it is spectacular. Edric makes amazing fireworks and his illusions would put the Head Witch to shame. Emira is not only an amazing illusionist but have you seen her with healing magic? Amity could take you in a fight Alador, she is strong not just with magic but strong willed, she is willing to help anyone that needs it. She has saved Luz multiple times and hey, she's even saved me. Then Octavia, she is a coven head literally the strongest healer on the Isles and you two are going to toss her aside because she doesn't want your last name?! It's absurd, I thought you two were insufferable at Hexside but I guess it got worse with age. Do you two even listen to your children? Luz told me you threw a fit about Amity's hair being purple. Purple! Its abomination colored! Shes proud to be in the abomination coven and she might even be a coven head one day! Let your kids live their lives!" Eda was starting to turn red as if she didn't take a breath the entire time she was talking. She finally took a deep breath and once again nothing, no talking, just silence, only the sound of everyone breathing. Everyone was still standing up, Odalia and Octavia both still had their staffs out. Octavia put her staff away and turned out of the room to leave, she went into the hallway and just collapsed. Only a moment passed before familiar arms were around her, she looked up to see her wife smiling down at her.

"I am so proud of you." Autumn kissed Octavia's forehead. It was a sweet and tender moment, a moment they had had before but it felt different this time. It was different being in Blight Manor and having Autumn there but it was still nice.

"I love you." Octavia finally said, still sitting on the floor with Autumn hugging her from behind. Suddenly, Amity appeared in the hallway behind the couple.

"Octavia? Are you okay? I'm sorry I should have never brought you guys here. If I knew that this is what was going to happen I would have never suggested it. I'm sorry, will you ever forgive me?" Amity was sitting next to Octavia on the floor and tears were still flowing.

Octavia threw her arms around her little sister,

"Of course I forgive you. No matter how this night played out I would never be upset with you. I lost you once, I don't want to lose you again." The two sisters stayed together on the floor with Autumn nearby then suddenly Alador was in the hallway looking over the two girls. The sisters and the father just stared at each other until finally, for the first time tonight, Alador spoke first.

"Amity, I like your hair color. I always have no matter if it is green or purple, you look good and grown up. I can tell you are growing stronger everyday and I am so proud of you. I'm sorry that I haven't been listening to you or how you feel but I promise I will start and I will do my best." Amity stood up and shook her fathers hand, it was a start. Then he turned his attention to his oldest.

"Octavia, I know that there is probably nothing I can say or do to have you forgive me and I am truly sorry that I did not stand up for you all those years ago. There was not a day that I did not think of you. You look so much like me, which is kinda weird because you always looked like your mother. Anyway, I am sorry Octavia. I am proud of the witch you have become and congratulations on becoming a coven head."

"Autumn," Alador said, turning his attention to Autumn, she immediately stiffened up, "Thank you, for taking care of Octavia all these years. I have read your work from the potions covens and you have become a very impressive witch. You two work well together."

Autumn was shocked, Alador was actually saying something nice about her.

"Thank you sir, I appreciate hearing that from you." Autumn said, she stood up and shook his hand for the first time ever. Amity and Octavia were shocked about what they were seeing, then suddenly Autumn's friendly nature surpassed her fear of Alador and she hugged him. Surprisingly, Alador hugged back.

"Thank you for letting me love your daughter." Autumn whispered in his ear and hugged him a little tighter.

An hour passed until the party left the Blight Manor. After Alador and Autumn's hug, Amity and Octavia went and talked to Alador in private, Odalia was still upset and had locked herself in their room, it wasn't a bad conversation just a conversation about what was going to happen from now on within the Blight household.

Eda, Autumn, Luz, Amity and Octavia left the Blight Manor that evening and all of them felt mentally lighter and it seemed like life was going to get even just a little bit better. The five of them made it back to the Owl House where they actually ate and continued to drink and talk. Eda told King about how Luz stood up to the Blights and all of the events of the evening. King felt as if she was telling him a bedtime story, soon he fell asleep. As the night came to a close Amity and Autumn fell asleep on the couch in the living room and Octavia found herself on the top of the tower, looking out at all of the Isles then a hand touched her shoulder, it was Luz and Eda.

"Hey kid, how are you feeling?" Eda asked as her and Luz sat down on the roof next to her.

"You know, surprisingly, im doing alright. The world is still the same but it seems a little brighter tonight. I wish I could go back in time and tell the Octavia that came here so many years ago that I would be back and actually be talking to my parents again, kinda. Luz you really truly do change lives, thank you." Octavia put her arm around Luz and gave her shoulders a squeeze.

"You are welcome! I am just glad that Amity has siblings like you. You changed our lives Octavia, you made us feel seen and accepted and all of this makes it harder to want to leave and go back to the human realm." The sheer talking of the human realm made Luz's entire mood change and Octavia gave her shoulder another squeeze.

"Hey, we will figure out how to get you back home and figure out a way for all of us to be able to visit you."

There was a hush among the trio, they just looked out onto the city and it was peaceful and familiar.

"Promise?" Luz asked.

"I Promise." Assured Eda and Octavia.

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