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   "And most days... I wish I stayed dead." C. Berman concluded her story, a frown etched on her lips while her eyes cast downward to hide the pain she held in them.

   "Wait, you're Ziggy?" The boy, Josh, asked the woman that sat in front of him.


   Ziggy took in a deep breath as she began to regain consciousness.
   Letting out a gasp of air, her eyes shot open. She would have jerked up and out of the stretcher that she laid in if it weren't for the searing pain that seemed to spread over the entire length of her body.
   "Hey, hey, what's your name? Can you tell me your name?" The medic that stood over her spoke softly. "Ziggy." She uttered, a look of confusion washed over her features as the only person she saw beside the medic was Nick.

   "It's Christine. Her real name, it's Christine Berman." Nick corrected for the medic that wrote her name down.

   "Where's my... Where's my sister?" She gasped out, "Where's Sid?" Nick looked down at her knowingly, causing the girl to look to the side of them as another pair of medics raised a bloodied sheet over her dead sister's body.

   "They haven't found her body yet." Nick informed the broken girl as she watched them roll her sister away. "But... I saw her..." Ziggy paused to take a breath. "Didn't you see her?"

   "You've lost a lot of blood. Hallucinations aren't uncommon." The medic informed as he pushed her lids open to see how dilated her pupils were.


   "Cindy... My sister. She sacrificed herself for nothing. And Sidney... Her body was found not long after that night." Ziggy closed her eyes tightly as she tried to stop her tears from escaping.

   "I told everyone the story of how she died. The story I just told you. And no one believed me." Her words held a bitterness as she opened her eyes. "It was survivors' guilt they told me. That Sidney was already gone before I was attacked."

   "And Nick?" The other teen, Deena, questioned.


   "It was her." Ziggy breathed out to Nick as the paramedic left the two survivors alone. "She's gone, Ziggy."

   "No. Her. Sarah Fier... the witch." She struggled to get out her words. "The curse... It's real."

   Nick looked down at the girl scornfully, her words making an obvious impact.

Like her, he had just lost someone he cared about, and he knew what did it.

Unlike Ziggy, he wasn't going to place the blame on a fairy tale. A lie.


   "She thought he was different. So, I thought he would believe me. But Nick had a destiny in this town. And you don't become sheriff talking about ghost stories."

   A tear slipped down Ziggy's cheek as she recalled all the memories of her life after that night at Camp Nightwing.

   The papers that called her crazy. The confirmation of Thomas Slater being the Camp Nightwing Killer. Her sister's funeral. Reading about the discovery of Sidney's body in the camp's lake. The anger. The pain. All of it.

   "The witch... The town curse... For one night, Cindy believed that there was a way to end it. So I thought there was too. But now I know, there is no end."


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