{ I } Fear The Reaper

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Day 3

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Day 3

"People don't get better, they just get smarter."

She didn't know what hurt the most.

The physical pain and trauma that would take years to recover from that came as a result of surviving the Camp Nightwing Massacre and yet her body and mind would never be the same. Or was it the mental pain; the exhaustion and torment that followed her throughout the waking hours of the few days that had passed and would only continue to grow?

She didn't know how to cope. How was she supposed to move on and handle it as well as everyone told her? They'd say it wouldn't be an easy task but that someone as strong as her would get there in no time, all in the same breath. She'd survived worse, words uttered by a nurse that lingered not too far from the door that Ziggy requested to be left cracked open.

East Union Hospital was a poor excuse for a clinic. One of the few doctors that had been staffed there made quick work of stitching the knife wounds that littered along her abdomen and chest before pushing her onto the nursing staff that had been ill-prepared for the extent of her injuries and the care she would need to be given.

So, Ziggy had been left with nothing but her thoughts and pain for the days that had passed.

Three days since the massacre to be exact... She'd taken to marking the days once she'd woken up, creating a poorly outlined sketch of the calendar that rested in front of her hospital bed on a notepad that rested beside the bed. She could hear Sidney in the back of her mind telling her to not to make a habit of this ritual counting. To not live in a constant reminder of that night forever. And she could hear Cindy telling her to focus on her health and getting better, that what's done is done and there was no fixing it.

But how could she go on knowing that the curse was real?

It was real and no one had believed her once she'd been asked what happened to Tommy Slater that night. No one would listen to anything she had to say about that night.

Sarah Fier's curse was real and she had claimed another Shadysider and with her curse, she took the lives of multiple innocents.

And now, she was alone.

Ziggy didn't know the last time she had ever truly been alone. She had Cindy for most of her childhood, up until Cindy entered middle school. And then she had Sidney.

She couldn't let her thoughts linger on them for too long, it hurt to much to think about them and the fact that they'd still be with her if not for Fier's curse and the lie that there was ever a way to end it.

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