{ VIII } In The Night

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"You know you shouldn't be here, Slater."

The young girl scoffed at the man that blocked her way into the Meeting House.

"I won't have you treating Hannah like some kind of animal. She's still the pastors' daughter for God's sake." The thick Irish accent that laced her voice made her command sound more threatening than the girl looked.

"Don't tell me you're in cohorts with these witches." The watchman's grip noticeably tightened on the Muskett in his hands. "Don't tell me you've bought into the words of my drunken brother?"

The thick-headed man squinted his eyes in response to the woman's question. "Honestly, when women speak for themselves you call them witches. What do you suppose will happen when we truly are cursed?"

Clutching onto her shawl tightly, the girl scoffed at the man before walking back into the center of town.

"Are you keeping an eye out for the witch?" A man with a torch questioned the girl as she made her way through the center of Union. "Why must we search now? Why not wait 'til twilight? The suns only just set and it's only going to get darker."

The young woman only wanted to give her friend a chance to escape Union. But she knew Sarah, she knew she wouldn't leave. Not without Hannah.

"Open up!" A familiar voice command as they slammed their hand against the decaying wood of a locked door. "What are you doing, Thomas? Are you mad!" The girl stopped her older brother from kicking the door in.

Pushing his greasy hair away from his eyes, her brother Thomas grinned down at his sister, flashing his decaying teeth. "Let the men work, Eleanor."


The chaos within the center of the town continued around her as she moved away from her brother.

Somethings wrong here?

Blinking her eyes rapidly, the woman found herself walking through a field, with the townspeople walking in an orderly line behind her.

The man who walked by her side held the chains that bound a woman whose face she couldn't see.  

"How did you find her?" The words fell from her lips, yet she didn't wield them to do so.

He looks familiar. But she couldn't place how she knew him.

"She attacked me." The man answered simply, his voice coarse and laced with an accent similar to her own. "Within' the Meeting House?" She questioned further, the sound of Sarah's chains clinking together made the anxiety in her chest bubble.

The man nodded, unable to meet her gaze. "What happened to her hand?" She whispered, her eyes settling on the missing prehensile. "She cut it off herself."

Squinting slightly at the answer, she shook her head slightly. "Herself? And then she attacked you?"

This all sounds familiar.

With a blink of an eye, the scene around her changed again.

The townspeople now stood in front of the hanging tree as the man from before tightened the noose around Sarah's neck.

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