{ IV } Full Moon Rises

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A light jabbing in her side pulled Eleanor out of her dreamless sleep.

Groaning slightly, she pushed the person's hand away from her lazily, only for them to jab their fingers into her other side.

"Get up." Constance whispered to her sleeping friend.

"Has the bell chimed?" Eleanor mumbled out as she slowly pried the lids of her eyes open.

"No, but if you don't hurry we'll be caught."

Eleanor peered up at her friend who was already dressed for the day. "Caught?" She whispered back, finally sitting up from her spot on the floor. "Full moon rises, remember?"

With sleep no longer clouding her mind, Eleanor quickly understood what Constance was getting at.

Though Abigail had told the two girls countless times before that they couldn't join in the festivity of the full moon's rising, every few months they hoped that she would change her mind.

Constance believed that this month Abigail would finally have a change of heart and allow the girls to join her. And if that day was finally upon them, she wanted to be ready.

"Now, make hast Eleanor." Constance pulled the girl up from her spot, "Goodness Constance, you're so dramatic." Eleanor chuckled, flattening out the skirt of her slip.

"One of us has to be." Constance giggled as she threw her friend's dress at her chest.


It was a wonder how the two giggling girls had snuck out of the Berman household

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It was a wonder how the two giggling girls had snuck out of the Berman household.

Every slight creak that came from the old floorboard caused the two to pause where they stood and wait for someone to catch them.

But luck was on their side.

Scurrying away from the home and out of the settlement, the two girls made their way past the tree line and towards the small meadow they had stumbled on just a few years ago.

Though they weren't able to visit the meadow as much as they would have liked. Whenever they found a window of opportunity to sneak away, they took it.

Intertwining their hands, Constance pulled Eleanor further into the field, causing a light blush to dust over the girl's cheeks.

"I could stay here forever." Constance sighed as she wandered around the field. "Sounds like a dream." Eleanor agreed as she picked at a few flowers as she passed them.

"A fantasy. A daydream that makes reality tolerable." She informed simply, causing a frown to form on Eleanor's lips.

"Why must it only be a fantasy?" She questioned.

"What other choice is there?"

The two stopped in the center of the field, Constance settling on the ground while Eleanor continued to pick at the flowers.

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