{ XV } Journey's End

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July 19th, 1978

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July 19th, 1978

"Masquerading as a man with a reason, My Charade--"

The stereo clicked off as Sidney made her way inside the hall.

Stopping in her place, her eyes widened as they landed on the bloody footprints that led into the back room of the hall.

A scream broke through the silent summer air as Sidney slowly followed the footprints.

It was Ziggy screaming.

She didn't get on the bus.

Dropping all means of her own self-preservation, Sidney quickly ran into the backroom as Ziggy continued to scream, the commotion from the other room grew louder as Sidney approached the busted down door.

Entering the old stockroom, Sidney found that Tommy held Ziggy against the wall by her neck, constricting her throat with his hands, while Ziggy clawed helplessly at his hands.

Looking for any weapon she could find, Sidney could only spot an old brown weaved-together bag.

Without a second thought, the girl quickly grabbed the bag before pulling it over Tommy's head.

Tommy released Ziggy to try and pull the bag off of his head but Sidney only pulled onto the bag tighter as Tommy continued to struggle against her.

Falling to his knees, Tommy clawed at the bag that tightened around his throat.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Sidney cried as she kept her grip firm on the bag while Ziggy hid behind her.

Tommy pulled his arm forward, quickly bringing it back into Sidney's chest, knocking the air out of his sister and successfully loosening her grip on the bag.

Shoving the girl to the ground, Tommy picked up his discarded axe and turned to face the two campers, the brown bag still pulled tightly over his head. "Come on!" Ziggy pulled Sidney off of the ground.

The two ran out of the supply closet, followed closely by Tommy.

Tripping over her shoelace, Ziggy tried to catch herself by grabbing onto Sidney, but Tommy took the opportunity to overpower her by kicking the girl in the back of the knee, causing both of the campers to smack hard into the tiled floor.

Sidney pulled Ziggy back as Tommy raised his axe high into the air, only he didn't get the chance to bring it down on the camper.

The sound of a knife slicing through the air instead met their ears.

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