{ VII } Bad Juju

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Day 3

   Time didn't exist where she was now. There was no sunlight down there, so she couldn't tell if it was day or night. She couldn't tell how many days had passed and she had given up on trying to keep count of the minutes as they ticked by but there was nothing else to do down there.

   Well, there was nothing to do besides trying to pull her hands and feet free from the ropes that bound her.

   She had given up once she opened the wounds on her wrist for the third time. The rope burn and cuts on her bloody wrist burned. The blood dried and cracked painfully with every move she made.

   Sidney had attempted crawling out of the cavern she found herself trapped in.

   But she couldn't pull herself up the stairs that she had seen Nick use to leave, and the only other way out of the room was blocked by rocks.

   She had lost count of the number of times her screams for help went unheard before they eventually turned into sobs.

   She knew she was going to die down there.

   She didn't know if it was her mind playing tricks on her, or if someone else was down there with her. She could hear something from the other side of the rocks, it whispered her name as she tried to sleep. After she heard it the first time, it never seemed to cease.


   She laid on the rock-hard ground, eyes locked on the blocked path as it whispered to her again before her attention was stolen by the sound of someone walking down the stairs in front of her.

   Sidney knew she shouldn't have been so hopeful. That she shouldn't have thought it was someone coming to rescue her. It was only him.

   At first, she didn't know if it was another trick her mind was playing on her or if he really was back.

   "I thought you were going to leave me here to die?" Her voice couldn't reach above a whisper. Her throat was dry and sore from screaming for help just a mere few hours ago.

   Nick looked almost shocked by her words but he continued to approach her. "I'm only doing this to protect you, Sid? When are you gonna realize that?"

   She stayed silent, his words agitating her but all she could do was look down at her battered wrist. "This doesn't feel like protection." She finally informed, now glaring up at the boy she once cared for and trusted. Now all she saw was a monster.

   "That's because you're making this so difficult." It wasn't until he was closer to her did she realize that he was caring two bags in his hands.

   Backing away from him fearfully as he continued to approach her, he quickly stopped in his place, raising his arms slightly in defense.

   "Hey, it's okay... It's just some food and water and clothes." He informed her softly before quickly pulling out a bottle of water but that didn't help in the least at easing her nerves.

   "How do I know it's not poisoned?" She asked, squinting her eyes at the bottle of water that she was sure was contaminated by poison.

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