{ XIV } The Curse

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July 19th, 1978

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July 19th, 1978

The rope slipped from Sidney's hands as she leaped away from her brother.

She wanted to scream but she couldn't find the will to do it.

It wasn't until Tommy brought the axe back, his sights now set on Ziggy did she realize this wasn't a nightmare. This was all real and it was happening right before her eyes.

The curse had claimed another Shadysider, that's what it had to be.

Tommy would never... He couldn't.

Mustering up all the courage she had, Sidney tightly clutched onto the screwdriver she had placed in the pocket of her overalls, slamming the tip of it into her brother's shoulder as he swung at Ziggy.

He barely flinched as she stabbed him, but it gave Ziggy enough time to leap out of the way.

"Go, go!" Ziggy screamed, pulling Sidney out of the outhouse before she could take the weapon out of her brother's shoulder.

She couldn't think. The shock, the death. It was all too much.

Even as Ziggy pulled her back onto the campgrounds, she couldn't help but watch over her shoulder as they ran away.

Tommy slowly followed behind them. His grip on the axe never lightened, even as he pulled the screwdriver out from his shoulder. He didn't blink, his breathing was heavy. It wasn't him, not really, it couldn't be.

It wasn't until she crashed into the chest of a counselor, that she came back down to Earth and out of the depths of her mind.

"What are you doing out here?" Nick practically seethed as he held onto the arms of the shaken girl. "He's here!" That was all Sidney could breathe out as Nick peered over her shoulder.

"Come on!" Nick quickly grabbed onto her hand before leading her and Ziggy further into camp.

Rounding up on the Science & Nature cabin, Nick let go of Sidney's hand as the two friends quickly ran inside, before locking the door behind them in the hopes of keeping the killer out.

Sidney quickly led Ziggy to a table to hide under, the two girls trying desperately to catch their breaths.

"Was that?" Ziggy couldn't find it in herself to say her best friend's brother's name. Sidney reluctantly nodded.

Her mind wasn't playing tricks on her. She wasn't seeing things and this wasn't her imagination. She had to face the cold hard truth.

Tommy was the killer.

Nick quickly joined the two campers, hiding behind the table as well.

"Did we lose him?" Sidney whispered as Nick peered over the table. "I think so. Are you OK? Are you hurt?" Nick turned to face Sidney and Ziggy, now taking notice of the blood that stained their clothes and splattered across their faces.

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