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Day 2920

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Day 2920

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and now years had passed since the massacre.  Years since she had woken up in that place. It had taken a few years before Nick allowed Sidney out of that room. She had been so desensitized by her situation that she actually said thank you, so numbed by what he'd done that she didn't run away.

   That didn't stop him from threatening to put her back down there. Every chance he got, every moment he noticed a slip in her attitude.

   Though he granted her partial freedom, life didn't change for Sidney. She was still a prisoner. Only now, she was given a room with a bed and a bookcase.

   Over time, her fear of Nick had turned into rage and hatred. She didn't know what he wanted from her, even after all these years.

    Nick had turned into everything he said he didn't want to be all those years ago at camp. He had turned into his father. A clone. He was Sheriff, his brother, Will, was running for Mayor and Sidney had no doubt he'd get the vote.

   Everything worked out for the Goodes. Always had, and always would.

   Nick had grown more arrogant over the years, what little passion and humanity he had when he was a teen was gone. In Sidney's eyes, he was pure evil. A sad man who thought he was owed everything from the world.

   Even now as she sat across from him at the dinner table, she couldn't hold back her glare.
"How was your day?" She questioned him as he ate the meal she prepared for him.

   She hated talking to him but like so many other things, she didn't have a choice. She especially hated the small talk. They said the same thing every day, without fail. She was ready to scream.

   "Slow. It's that time of the season again, just a bunch of prank calls and vandalism." He spoke after taking a second to swallow his food, but a proud smile graced his lips. It made him happy that she started the conversation that night.

   "Must be terrible." Her voice was dry and uncaring, she didn't really care about the answer, she was just ready to end her night.

   It was strange, being locked in one room for an entire day. Yet there was something about him that made her want to run back to it and hide. She finally understood that feeling in her gut, that little bit of fear.

   "How was your day?" Nick questioned her, sitting up a bit straighter in his seat, that grin that she hated, yet once loved, still plastered on his lips.

   She stayed silent. Squinting her eyes at the man in front of her who was still dressed in his uniform, his gun strapped to his hip. She knew why he kept it close at all times. It was her reminder to not pull any tricks.

A Gaze-less Stare | Fear Street |Where stories live. Discover now