{ I } A Perfect Union

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A light orange hue expanded steadily over the horizon as the sun began to rise, the glare announced the beginning of a new day in the small settlement of Union.

Two young girls giggled between each other as they sat on the porch of the Berman household.

The youngest Berman, Constance, kneeled behind her friend, tying off and pinning back the braids she had just completed.

The two giggled as they watched the other girl's brother, Thomas, stubble through the town's dirt road. The older Slater mumbled incoherently to himself before tripping over his feet every few steps.

"Are you positive you two are related?" Constance questioned, the sides of her lips pulling up slightly to form a grin. "I question it myself sometimes. But sadly, yes." The youngest Slater feigned a disheartened sigh.

The two continued to enjoy the spectacle Thomas put on before them until he came to a halt in front of the town well.

"You don't think he'll fall in, do you?" Constance asked as the two watched as the boy swayed slightly in his place in front of the well. "I'd hate for him to poison our water." She continued snarkily, stealing a smile from Eleanor.

The youngest Berman's question was answered in a mere few moments as Thomas crashed onto the floor in front of the well. His back slumped against the stone wall that separated him and the hole that had been dug into the earth.

"Maybe one day." Eleanor mumbled glumly as the door to the Berman house creaked open from behind them.

"Don't you two have chores?" The shrilled voice of Abigal Berman, Constance's older sister, questioned them as she stepped out onto the porch. With a broom in one hand and the other placed firmly on her hip, the oldest Berman stared pointedly down at the two girls.

Quickly standing from their spots on the porch, the two girls flattened out the skirts of their dresses before Constance replied grumpily. "We've already done them, Abi. Thought we'd enjoy the fresh mornin' air. Or is that against the rules?"

Abigal rolled her eyes at the girls' comment, lightly tugging on her shoulder to pull her inside, with Eleanor following close behind. "Well, I'll see to that. Father will have our heads if he can tell otherwise."

"Don't be such a shrew." Constance groaned out as Abigal released her. "Just get to cooking, the both of you." She stated, pointing her finger towards the kitchen before stomping her way out of the house and back onto the porch.

"What's got her so wound up?" Eleanor mumbled as she gathered their ingredients.

"Father's heard around town about her and Thomas." Constance whispered her response, her voice just low enough to ensure that the adults of the house wouldn't hear. "That or she's tied her bonnet too tight again."

The two friends giggled at the comment, combining the ingredients to form a dough for a few bread rolls and loaves.

"Say, Eleanor?" Constance called out after a few moments of silence, wiping the flour off of her hands.

Eleanor hummed in response as she placed the raw dough on the castiron pan.

"When did you say your parents would be back? Not that I don't enjoy your company, but mother queries."

Eleanor stayed silent as she thought over the question.

In all honestly, she didn't have the slightest clue when her parents would come back.

"Should only be a few more days. Father is never gone for long. It's my mother who dallies." She answered half-truthfully.

Eleanor's father had been a hard worker, he'd be gone for days sometimes a full week on end to provide for his family in the new settlement.

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