{ V } Harmless Action

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June 15th, 1978

"It was that Sunnyvale bitch, Shiela." Sidney seethed from her place on her bed, one of her brothers' old flannels wrapped tightly around her. "I know I didn't see or hear anyone but I just know it was her." She continued, her foot tapping briskly against the hardwood floor of Cabin 5.

"Her and her psycho friends need to back off." Unlike everyone else, Ziggy didn't question Sidney's accusation against the other camper.

Because of the events that had unfolded last night, Sidney had been instructed to meet with Kurt, Tommy, and Nick that morning.

   It didn't go over well, to say the least.

Even her own brother didn't believe what she had to say.

"How could I possibly lock myself in there?" She argued angrily, pissed that the counselors wouldn't be taking any action in the situation. "That's not what we're saying. We just can't punish someone off of an accusation alone." Nick tried to explain to the girl that glared at the three men in front of her.

"We get accused of skipping out on activities and we get docked points. Yet when we do the accusing they don't even bat an eye." Sidney complained to Ziggy, placing her head in her hands out of frustration. "What did Tommy say? Is he going to try and help at least?" Ziggy questioned from her place beside Sidney.

Letting out a quiet scoff, Sidney shook her head. "Nothing. Didn't say a word. I don't know what Kurt or Nick said to him but he wasn't his usual self."

"My guess is neither. Cindy's probably rubbing off on him." Sidney couldn't help but smirk at Ziggy's statement. "Sounds more like it." She agreed quietly.

"Well, if they aren't going to do something about this, we will." Ziggy spoke up after a small bout of silence, "I've got an idea." She continued with a smirk, placing her hand over Sids.

Three soft knocks against their cabin door stopped Ziggy from telling Sidney what she had in mind, the figure that could be seen through the door caused the two friends to roll their eyes in annoyance.

"Go away, Nick." Ziggy shouted, neither of the friends moving to open the door for the counselor. "No." Nick called back to the red-headed girl, staying in his place in front of the door.

Standing up from her bed, Sidney pulled her brother's flannel tighter around her before opening the door for the stubborn counselor. "Can we help you?" She asked, pursing her lips as she looked up at him.

"I just noticed that you were both missing during breakfast this morning. Wanted to check in and make sure everything was okay." He tried to keep a kind smile on his lips but the look he was receiving from both girls made that difficult. "And what exactly would you do if we did have an issue?" Ziggy questioned, making her way to the door.

"I... Well, I would..." Nick stumbled over his words, "Yeah, exactly. Go away." Ziggy stated, closing the door in his face. "What is his deal?" She scoffed out, walking back to Sid's side of the room. "Does he plan on watching us all summer?" Sidney added, taking her seat next to Ziggy.

"Us? Nick Goode has been stalking you, not me." Ziggy chimed with a small smirk. "Gross, don't say that." "Why? It's true, he's always watching. It's kind of creepy."

Rolling her eyes, Sidney pulled her knees up to her chest. "It's just a game for him. By the end of camp, he won't even remember my name." She guaranteed. "Now, what about that plan?"


"What are you doing?" Cindy leered, watching over the two girls in the Arts & Crafts Cabin. "Drawing?" Sidney questioned, looking from her sketch and up to Cindy. "I think it looks pretty good." Ziggy grinned, placing her paintbrush down and into a cup of dirtied water.

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