~Life Changing~

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~Jamie POV(6 Yrs Old)~

"Mommy, Daddy, where are we going?"

My mommy looked at me from the passenger seat and daddy smiled at me through the mirror.

"It's a special birthday surprise baby girl."

I smiled a toothy smile at her.

"Can I pweese get a hint?"

My parents laughed as they held each other's hands over the console of the car, she looked back at me with a smile.

"Alright, baby... "

She was cut off by another car hitting ours, I saw my dad's hand leave my mom's. I watched as they were tossed around the car like rag dolls before the car finally stopped. I tried to click the little red button to get my seat belt off, but it was no use. I reached out for my mommy's hand that was cut with blood dripping from her fingertips. I placed my tiny hand in hers to feel nothing but coldness. I didn't know what to do, as tears slowly slid down my face.

"Mommy, mommy pweese wake up."

When I didn't get a response, I looked at my dad to see his fingers twitch. I took my other hand placing it in his. He gripped my tiny hand in his large one, as I let more tears slide down my face.

"Daddy, what's wrong with mommy, she won't answer me, and her hand is so cold?"

I heard him sniffle.

"Mommy's not gonna wake up sweet girl, but I know that she loved us very much. She loved you with all her heart and she'll always be with you as long as you remember that."

I cried a little more.

"Sweetheart, I'm not gonna be here much longer, I'm gonna be with mommy soon. I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and you'll always be my little girl. I'm sorry that this happened on your birthday, but it's gonna be just like with mommy. As long as you remember how much I love you, I'll always be with you. Mommy and Daddy love you very much baby girl, forever and always sweet heart."

I felt his hand go cold and limp in mine, my cold salty tears streamed down my cheeks as I realized that I was all alone. I sat there in my tipped over car seat as I moved my parent's limp hands into one another's knowing that that's how they would want it. As I sat there staring at my parents hands locked together, I saw the pretty red and blue flashing lights and knew that I was saved, but for my parents it was too late. I was pulled from the car by a very pretty lady, who carried me in her arms to where the lights were, she sat me down asking me a few questions.

"Alright sweetheart, we're gonna take this slow okay?"

I nodded my head.

"Do you have any family that we can call to come and get you?"

I shook my head at her.

"No ma'am, it was just my mommy, and daddy."

She let out a sad sigh before picking me up again and shutting the ambulance doors. When we got to the hospital I was given a gown and a bed. I was put through many tests that I wasn't able to pronounce before I was finally able to sleep. Only I couldn't sleep, all I could see when I closed my eyes were my mommy and daddy's hands together with dried blood. I laid there with tears in my eyes until the sun came up, and even then, I just laid there with tear stains on my face. A few hours later a woman walked in and spoke to me about going to an orphanage. I didn't know what it actually was, only that it was a home for kids like me. I would go there until a family decided that they wanted me to be a part of their family. I just hoped that it would happen somewhat soon, I want to have a family again. Granted I want my family back, my mommy, and daddy, I wanted them back, but I guess any family is good as long as it's a family and a home, I guess I could give it a chance. After the lady left, I laid my head back and fell into a not so peaceful sleep as past events came flooding back to me repeating in my head. I knew at that moment, that I wouldn't be getting sleep anytime soon.

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